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Some info about the creator of this page

Hey for those of you who don't know who I am.....the name's Brandy Alley, but my friends call me Phoenix or Mouse.....a few priviledged ones call me Hell Spawn. I am a 21 year old college student at the University of Maine at Machias and am currently a Marine Biology major. Here at the college, I am in one of the group organizations on campus called the Dungeoneer's Guild, a role-playing based club which I am currently the secretary for. If you think you might be attending the University and are interested in RPG, feel free to drop the guild a line. When I'm not at college, I live in Presque Isle, Maine which is about five long boring hours north. I have a great guy that I've been going out with for a year and a half now while I'm here at college and it's been wonderful. I am currently learning to play piano while at college, which is a lot of fun. I like to sing as well and was involved in many different choral programs both back in high school and now in college. I have a younger sister who just started her senior year at Presque Isle High School.

Check out some things I've written.

I am a poet of sorts and as such, I see myself rising from ashes of past poets. Therefore I have taken Phoenix as my penname. For those of you who don't know, Phoenix is a mythical bird that rises from its own ashes every five hundred to a thousand years. It was said that this bird was in the garden of eden and when the angel swong his sword, it caught the tree on fire.....that just happened to be the home of a bird (probably something like a hawk or eagle). Shortly after, a bird rose from the ashes where the tree had been and thus came the Phoenix. Back to poems.....I have had a few of my poems published, mostly in the book my high school used to make. If you'll click on the poetry page link, you can see a few of the poems I've put up already.....I do have some poems on if you want to check them out there.


Another thing about me, I'm a fairly new Wiccan. I've been studying for a little over two years, I started my studies shortly after coming to college. My parents think it's a phase I'm going through....who knows it might be but I really don't think so. I will be adding a page about Wicca at another time if you'd like to find out more on the subject.

poetry page
Brandy's dolls
Check out my sis's site.

feel free to Email me and put webpage in the subject.