Need For Speed 3 Cheats

All regular cars and tracks: Enter SPOILT as a name on the options screen. Additional camera views: Enter SEEALL as a name on the options screen. Additional views normally only available during replays will be available under the options screen. Bonus tracks: Enter one of the following names at the Options screen to race on the corresponding track. Track Name The Toy Room Car track PLAYTM Caverns Underground track XCAV8 Auto Cross Canyon track XCNTRY Space Race Space station track MNBEAM Scorpio-7Underwater track GLDFSH Empire City Bonus track MCITYZ Bonus cars: Enter one of the following names at the Options screen to race with the corresponding car. Car Name Jaguar XJR-15 1JAGX Mercedes Benz CLK GTR AMGMRC El Niņo supercar ROCKET More Need For Speed 3 Cheats: Enter the following codes after you press START on the last screen before entering the game, before the loading screen... Code Buttons Jumping Beans (honk horn to flip cars)Start+Select+R1+L2 Slower Game Up+Triangle+X Heavy Car Select+Square+X Cops Speak German Up+R2+L1 Cops Speak Spanish Down+R2+L1 Cops Speak Italian Left+R2+L1 Cops Speak French Right+R2+L1 Extra Horsepower Left + Square + Circle Southern Accent Cops Up+R1+L2 Never Crash Press Up, Down, Up, Left, Right Gum Ball Police Pick the Redrock Ridge track. Press START to begin the race and immediately hold Down+R1+L2 before the loading screen appears No Police Jeeps Pick the Rocky Pass track. Press START to begin the race and immediately hold Right+R1+L2 before the loading screen appears. The police cars will be Crown Victorias. For the Summit track use the above instructions and hold Down+R1+L2 Crash All other Cars Hold down R2,Select,Start,L1 at the loading sceen. Then while playing honk you horn when close to a car(cops) and they will flip. When playing two player hot persuit mode, when far away from each other honk the horn to flip a car in the other players sceen. This Cheat/Hint submitted by Anthony Schaefer on Friday, April 16, 1999 at 09:42:50 GameShark Codes Start On Lap 4 (Tournament) d011dd300000 8011dd300003 Start On Lap 2 (Knock-Out) d011dd300000 8011dd300001 Enable Empire City and El Nino 800fa9e0003d Enable Nazda C2 8004392e0101 Enable Jaguar XJR-15 and Mercedes 800439320101 Speaking police {need gameshark for it to work} Go into gameshark and turn on all cars and tracks. Go to any mode, Pick a car(except El Nino), pick a track, when you start to drive, keep pressing up about 4-5 times. Then the police will start talking. The more you keep pressing up, the longer he will talk. This is a fun trick.