Bust A Move 4 Cheats

Bonus World On the title screen, press Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Triangle for set 1 press Square, Circle, X, Square, Circle for set 2 press Circle, Left, Right, Circle for set 3 press Left, Circle, Circle, Right for set 4. Once entered correctly, you will hear a sound and a small face will appear at the bottom right portion of the screen. Extra Characters Beat Story Mode in Player vs Computer Mode. You now have Dreg and Madam Luna. Beat contest mode until you fight a new character and you get them! Character Select At the title screen press Right, Right, Triangle, Left, Left More Characters Press Right, Right, Right, Triangle, Left, Left, Left at the title screen Tarot Reading Mode At the title screen press Up, Triangle, Down, Triangle, Up. Look in options for a tarot reading option Talk Demo Option After enabling the More Characters and Tarot code, at the title screen press Square, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Square to get a talk demo selectionin the options screen