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Silent Whispers

In the dark I sit alone;
Waiting in the dark.
Shadows come close,
not near enough to touch.
Just listen,
listen to the silent whispers at they creep in and out.
Listen close,
Listen hard.
Can you hear the whispers?
Listen to what they are saying.
Listen to the silence before it creeps away.
The walls are close.
So close!
So close!
It frightens me!
I feel them not with touch but I feel them.

Silence passes through the walls
as if they were not here.

I don’t want to know!

I have to listen,
I have to know!
What is it saying?
I don’t want to hear,
but how do I not listen?

Listen to the silent whispers as the silence creeps in and out.
Listen close,
Listen hard.
You can hear the whispers,
Listen to what they are saying.
Listen to the silence before they creep away.
The walls are close;
so close!
So close!
It frightens me!
I feel it not with touch but I feel it.

In the dark I sit alone;
waiting in the dark.
Shadows come close,
but not near enough to touch.
Just listen,
listen close,
listen hard.
Listen to the whispers as they silence creeps in and out.

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