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I hate marquees, so why am I using one? goos question.... anyhow, updated and such, sign my guestbok and i'lllove you forever and ever an ever..just do it, give me a break. ok? k.

::7|15|00 orgy...updates...woohoo!
hi. ::updated:: 7-15-00

Ok, yes, i have FINALLY updated. Hmmm, so as it is, the new orgy album is coming out in August, like the 9th, or 29th, or 19th, or 17th, i dont know, go to one of the many orgy sites that actualy do know, oh wait nevermind, THATS RIGHT! Orgy is filming a video for their new single already sooo they are putting off the album...VApor Transmission AGAIN, until October 10th..... So anyhow, get over it, I think my obsesion w/ orgy os slowly dying w/ the less of them i hear about, that and ive moved onto bigger and better things...such as my own bands to keep track of. Click here, it'll take you to my old band's site, itll pop up so you wont leave thos magical place anyhow, um, ill put up a lil more stuff on orgy, laely ive been taking the focus off them on this site dedicated to them! haha! ok wel, i love them i do, and i love YOU alll soooo much, im putting up a bunch of their new stuff for you to i love ftp and napster......[sigh]

What? Orgy? Theyre still alive?

a beautiful transition back to the 80's, and jay's sexy voice seems to be gettin raspy and tired, or maybe it's just me...

see pretty jay pics?? NOW!!

Jay has umm..interesting? come and see it..k??!

Look at my pretty dont be stop it noW! just come here and envy mine and you can apply for one of mine k?

Your bored??? at MY site? geeze..HERE

find a site much better than mine..

WHy is there braille on the ATMs in the bank drive through..ahh anyways her are some webrings to yet again sites waaaaay better than mine

all the weird things i support in the name of Orgy...and well yeah no boy bands, but theyre just plain sick..thats right you little teeny boppers!!

Ok this one i KNOW nobody really care sfor, this is just the section i am gonna set free all of my weird conspiracy theories and various ramblings into cyber space, w/ the option of choosing, if you dont it is completely understood, ok then....i am off....

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