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Welcome to My Little Neck of the Woods

Decided to change my homepage a little. I have more of a clue when it comes to webpages now. I've learned to manipulate things just a little more now then before. This site is still nothing special, but it serves its purpose. Gives a little info about me and my life, gives lots of cool links to sites all over the web, and just entertains. What more could you ask for from someone who just started playing with webpages a month ago...and only does it when he has free time. Which in college is very little.

This is where I leave you to have some fun on my site. Below are some fun links from around the web, picture pages and my gripe page and links to my friends' homepages. Have fun!


Well, as almost every opening page has...links! These are just some of the sites on the web that I happen to find interesting.

One final link for all of you to visit. To a little place called There is a chance that most of you have heard of this wonderful site by now. These people actually pay you to roam the web! You have to download a bar that runs while you are on the net. It keeps track of sites that you visit and the amount of time that you are on. You get paid for the amount of time that you spend on the web and you also get paid if other people join using your member number. You also get money for people that use AllAdvantage under them! It's a big pyramid that actually works. One of my co-workers pays for her internet connection with the money she makes from AllAdvantage...she even has a little left over each month after paying the bill :-) It's a free service that pays. So here's the link for free money for roaming the web. You are going to play on the web anyway...might as well get paid for it. Just remember to use my ID KLV-686.

Join the MyPoints Program. Earn free rewards!

Quiz time!

Here are some fun quizes for you to play and waste away the time. These UpRoar Quizes test your brain. Different topics to choose from. Play one or play them all. Everytime you play, you get a chance to win $250! Play a game and maybe win some money...have fun!!

The Changing Quiz This quiz changes topics every few weeks.

The Classic Quiz This is the classic quiz. General knowledge.

Entertainment Quiz Movies, tv, music...etc.

The Sports Quiz Test your sports knowledge.

Other pages on my webpage:

Me A little ditty about me

Some Random Pics from Machias

More Pics!!! More pics to take a look at!! NEW PICS ADDED!

Halloween 1999 Oh what a night. Back in the fall of 1999...

My Gripe Page I'll be using this page to gripe about random stuff. Helps me releave some of that stress :-) UPDATED 4-29-00


Links to friends' pages:
Mike's Home Page A fun little site...
Annabelle Acres Ann-Marie's home page. Still being worked on.
Nate's Home Page Another site in the works...

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Updated: Tuesday, June 20, 2000