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Red Dove
Teacher Assistant, Merchandiser

How are you? I appreciate your curiosity and hope you share my love of music, animals, little folks, what is good and true and just and beautiful. How would you describe me? I suppose a survivor, blessed in more ways than I really see. I have many interests, too many to see through, I'm sure. I am aware of the most important things in this life, and that causes me not to be what the world considers a success story. Would I want the world to be just like me? No. Would I want the world to know what I have learned? Yes. I have many things to sort out and hope I have time to do so. Do any of you have that nagging feeling that your reason for being hasn't occurred? I suppose you could say I always have that sense that something wonderful is just around the bend. I hope "our lamp is trimmed and burning bright", that we never feel old and that we can always have hope.

This isn't so true of us anymore, I'm afraid, but the reason we should have hope is our belief in God and proving it through our actions. I know He loves every one of us, but we have to love Him back the way He has instructed. That would cut down on all the division and hatred in the world if we would "speak the same thing and have no division among us." It can't be impossible, there would have been no need for His word, and it wouldn't have lasted. Here is my hope that we all look for the true form of religion mentioned in the King James version of the Holy Bible.

Now, for the things that make our journey pleasant-- all the good things, used in the right way. For me that is definitely MUSIC. And oddly enough, from what I have disclosed about myself, it isn't gospel music. I love a capella music that is religious, but it is important what those songs say.

No, the music I love best is strummed on a guitar by a list so long that I will spare you. But I must mention my favorite--Jimmy Page.

His music is my medicine.Long may he wave.

My other loves are my children, my good sons, my drummer boys who keep me going, and all the pets I have tended through the years.

Cats are my favorite, but I love them all. It tells me a great deal about a person when I observe their treatment of creatures.

Now for the mysteries, the things that fascinate us-- I am curious about the unexplained, and whatever con clusion I come to is based on what I know can no longer come to pass. It's such fun to read about hauntings, I enjoy hearing ESP experiences, I don't believe in demon possessions, I am as curious as I dare be about witchcraft, but only to know what went on, enjoy the tarot and horoscopes, but have to take them with a grain of salt, curious about ouija, have had some strange "conversations" on them, but don't bank on them. I just enjoy curiosities of this world. Now, how about you? What are your think-sos? Can you discuss them with me? I'd love to hear from you.


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