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Personal FAQ

Personal FAQ

Awwww!  Isn't he just the SWEETEST THING?!

1) Who are you?
I'm Genie! The person who created these web pages! The royal king...errr...queen!

2) No, who are you really?
Hello?! I'm Genie! Duh!!

3) Don't you know what we mean?
Yes. You want to know my name. Well guess what? You can't have it! MUWAHAHAHA!! Only special people know my name!

4) How old are you?
Well, I guess I'll answer this one.... ::sigh:: I'm 12. Happy? Good!

5) Where do you live?
In the good old US of A. That's all your gettin'!

6) Are you really this odd?
Odd? Me? What gave you that idea? Why do you ask me this?!?! Well...No. Not this odd. Only my very close friends have seen me anywhere near this kind of odd. But they've seen me pretty close....

7) Is Mozart really there with you?
::blinks, then stares:: Uhh.... Yeah.... Sure.... You bet. Umm, no. Sorry if I had to burst anyone's bubble, but no. He's dead, ok? Ok?! Ok!! I wish he was here, but he's not, so I'll just have to live with it!

8) Why are you being sarcastic?
::sniff:: *trembles* I-I-I t-thought I-I w-was b-being f-funny. ::whines and whimpers::

9) Do you reply to emails?
Haven't I already pretty much answered this question? But anyway, yes, I do. It may take a couple days if I don't check that email, but yes. Always. :o)

10) Do you like opera?
::looks nervously around to see if anyone she knows is watching:: Ummm, ::whispers:: yes, some. ::continues looking around apprehensively:: If you know me personally, you didn't hear me at all! J/k. I don't care if you heard me! :o)

11) Have you heard/seen any of Mozart's operas?
Can we stop with the opera subject in front of people I know? I've already scared one of my classmates.... ("That was scary! I didn't know you wrote like that!") And I have seen one of Mozart's operas. It's hard to see very many and pay attention when your parents are snoring next to you. I saw Le Nozze Di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro). Yes, I liked it. Although the subtitles went away for a while and I was...a little lost, to say the least. ::sigh:: Maybe someday I'll learn Italian.... Some day....

12) Can I have your passwords?
WHAT?! You ask me this of all things?! You people are nutters.... No, you absolutely may not have my passwords! I'm getting sick of people asking me questions like this. Get your own passwords!! ::calms down::

13) Why do you rate the script of Amadeus PG-13 when you're only 12?
Well, I'm mature! ::sniff:: J/k. Some people might take Amadeus in an offensive way. I know. It's happened before. Of course, I suppose I can't really blame them. I tried not to take it in an offensive way. I think (even if it's not really true) there's a good moral and a great plot to it. The play, I think, is much better with showing these views. If you've asked this question, you've been to my Amadeus page and know why I didn't post the script of the play. Of course, I also couldn't find a page that offered the script on the Internet and was afraid of being sued....

Enough about me for you weak stomached people? Go home!

Or you can go the the FAQ Index....
