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News News

Isn't it pretty?  It just lights up the whole room!

Tuesday, June 22, 2000 ~4:00 PM~

< >Wowzers, nearly a month! Well, it wasn't MY fault! AngelFire's been messing with my head.... It messes up my pages, then, when I try to fix it, it deletes the whole thing! (This happened with the main page, as you may have noticed, as well as some pictures a put in the Genie's Pictures section, which I took down.) I pretty much fixed the main page, but the bloody background won't work! (I don't mean "bloody" literally. I'm using the phrasing to keep me from using more, errr, "expletive" words.)
< >We have a new banner! Did everyone see the pretty new banner? It's at the bottom of the main page! You know, the old one was UGLY and it was made with a special program. This one's still ugly, but much prettier than THAT one, and it was made with Paint!
< >Hey, Josh, if you're here! Oh, and Sara? Thanks for the HTML Help!
< >I'll try to get more updating done before I go to camp (Sun. - Thurs.) if Angelfire will alow it. I don't even know if this page will work! I would REALLY like to at least get these messages archived by then. ::glares at Angelfire:: See what you've done?! You've messed up my whole system! (Dear Angelfire People - Please don't delete my page for that... morons. Or that! Please? I'm a good girl most of the time!)

Thursday, May 25, 2000 ~9:55 PM~

< >Wow! Long time, no see! Welp, as you see, this page has been updated quite a bit. It may look easy, but the linking thing took work! I had to change all the links that said "Home". ::sigh:: Would you believe that took THREE DAYS?! If you notice something that goes wrong, or don't like the looks of something, please email me!
< >Tomorrow's the last day of school! YAY!! Happy days! You wouldn't believe how busy I've been.... Tests! TESTS EVERYWHERE! Please, save me! Tomorrow I'm going to a party, so I may not be on that night. I'll try, though!
< >If you're new, or you've been here before, please have a look at the message board. It's getting quite interesting! :-)
< >Also, I fixed the link for The Kiwanos Are Coming!. Why didn't anyone tell me it didn't work? Hmmm? Also, I'm going to try to get some pictures up that my dad took with his digital camera.

Thursday, May 11, 2000 ~10:56 PM~

< >Hehe, I got up The Kiwanos Are Coming!. I love it. I might also put something up by the same person called "Cell Phones of America... UNITE!!". Yes, I'm obsessed with this girl's work, but it's only because you won't send me in any ideas, so HUMPH! Uh oh. Gotta go.... 1: My parents are yelling. 2: I have an English story due tomorrow. :-)

Sunday, May 7, 2000 ~10:25 PM~

< >Long time, no see! Anyway, I've added music files to a few pages.... I'm obsessed with MIDI files at the moment, so bear with me. But, even worse than that obsession, I have found another, and it is called... "To Kill a Mockingbird"! Whoohoo! The book AND the movie ROCK! Atticus is the best! ::laughs insanely:: Anywho, I'm going to write a fanfiction for it! HAHAHAHA! I was just having my friend help me with all of this, but she had to leave. I've gotten, with the help of my friend, the beginning sentence, the last sentence, the name of Scout and Jem's mother (it's essential to my story, and they only say her last name in the book), and who's point of view it's going to be from. Are you so PROUD?! I think I'm going to mail the author.... I have my beloved book with me now. It's my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE! Next comes "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn", then "Jane Eyre". All good books! So, anyway, if you wanna help me write the story or want more details, email me! Yes, I'm hyper at this hour. I think it has something to do with that coffee I had a few hours ago.... ::cough::
< >Also, with the permission of the friend who wrote "Computer Psychology 101", I'm thinking of puting up a funny little thing called "The Kiwanos Are Coming!", so be prepared. If I do get it up, however, it'll be on tomorrow or the next day, 'cause I gotta go now!

Let's Go Home, Children!

Well fine! Go to the News and Letters Page then!
