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Me and Mine

This is me and mine…

This is how I would like for my home to look.
We can all dream can't we?

Come back often, as I am constantly making changes…

      This is where I tell you about me. I am 64 years old this year (no one more surprised about that than I am) and I am retired from the printing profession (which I loved).
      I am married to Richard (whom I also love) and we live in our pine forest in Michigan.
      I am the mother of 3 very beautiful, bright and intelligent children, Martina (Tina), Lisa and Dominic (Donni), and step-mother of Richard's two, Richard L. and Bridget. Richard also has a stepson by his first wife, who is Richie and Bridget's half-brother named Tito. All the kids are out on their own now.
      We are the grandparents of 11. And have 5 great grandchildren (number six is due in August and number 7 due in November).
      Tina and her husband, Jerry, are the parents of 3 of our grandchildren, Summer, and the twins, Joshua and Logan. Lisa and Greg are the parents of another 3 of our grandchildren, Christa, Elizabeth (Lizzi) and Joseph. Each live on their homesteads, planting their gardens and keeping their assorted animals: cats, dogs, chicken, geese, turkeys, pigs, cows. Richard L. is divorced and the father of two daughters, Susan Renee and Madison Sky (he calls her Sky). Bridgett is married to Dan and they have three children, Daniel, Jessie and Vickie.
      Richard and I had four animals, the one that arrived first is a little poodle we call "Coco" or "Coco Puff" (Lizzi gave him that name and it stuck) or "Puffpuff" or "Precious" or He was actually Richard's dog. He went everywhere Richard did, slept in his room and if he could get away with it on Richard's bed. We had him for 10 years. We lost him to a hit and run driver on July 1st this year. The second one to arrive is a little Pomeranian we call "Sweetie". We also have a pair of Zebra Finches. They are very cool.

This is Coco's memorial page. He was so smart. Richard said one time that he thought that he was actaully an alien that was zapped into the wrong body.
       Dominic is not married as yet. He has chosen to live in the city. He works at making costumes for theatre plays and as a waiter in Portland. Donni is very cosmopolitan but thats OK, we love him anyway. Just kidding, honey! I love you.
Tina, Richie, Lisa and Tito are all grandparents now themselves.

I love this photo. I have always said that my two girls were as different as "black and white" or "day and night". One would eat the frosting and the other would eat the cake, one would eat the yolk and the other would eat the white. Thats "ok" though, because as my mom always said "what a boring world this would be if we were all the same". Its the differences that make life interesting and these two certainly made my life interesting! Love you guys!

This is what I believe!
"I am" a Christain lady who believes that there is only one God and that He came to us in the person of Jesus. That the bible is the written, authoritative Word of God. That mankind is a fallen people in need of atonement through Jesus Christ. That all men have a free will, free to choose or reject the gift of salvation by grace through faith. That the "church" is the "body of Christ" on earth and as such should be a community oriented fellowship with the bible at the center of our complete way of life and faith. That we should be completely separated from the world, living a simple life. One of obedience to the Word of God. Peace should be the way of life, with all human kind, everywhere in the world. We should be, as Christians, different from the "world". The world should be able to just look at us and our way of life and know that we are Christians. Our dress should reflect our way of life, humble, simple, unadorned, non-conforming and modest. I believe that the masses of human kind who are not willing to pay the price of Christian discipleship sadly miss a unique joy and fulfillment.

He is my rock!

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