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My first Pregnancy

Quick Links to entries by date

Start at the Beginning Chronologically

December 9 - 34 weeks December 2 - 33 weeks
November 23 - 32 weeks - 8 months! November 16 - 31 weeks Birthing class day 1
November 9 - 30 weeks October 26 - week 28 - 7 months! October 19 - week 27
October 11 - week 26 October 5 - 25 weeks September 28 - 24 weeks - 6 months!
September 21 - 23 weeks September 14 - 22 weeks September 7 - 21 weeks
August 31 - 20 weeks - 5 months! August 24 - 19 weeks August 18 - 18 weeks
August 10 - 17 weeks August 3 - Week 16 - 4 months! July 27 - week 15
July 20 - week 14 My First Doctor's Appointment July 13 - 13 weeks
July 6 - 12 weeks - 3 Months! June 29 - 11 weeks June 22 - 10 weeks
June 15 - 9 weeks June 8 - 8 weeks - 2 months! June 1 - 7 weeks
May 25 - 6 weeks Moving Day Test Results Positive
Conception Day Ovulation Day First Day of my Last Period

Dember 9 - 34 weeks - 6 more to go!

Here we go! down to the last 6 weeks! Jamie and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary yesterday. We got chinese food and we went to see the Ray Charles movie. I had no idea he had such tragedy in his life!

The book says Rachel weighs almost 5 pounds, but we know she's bigger than that by now, since she was 4 1/2 pounds 2 weeks ago!

I think I've started feeling the Braxton-Hicks Contractions. They'll be pretty intense for a few seconds, and then nothing. She hasn't dropped yet, but they say that she might not drop. It's getting much harder to get around now. My feet and fingers are swelling even more now - and it's getting gross. My toes look like vienna sausages! haha! Still trying to keep on top of my water - every day at work I bring 2 cups - one for hot water and the other for cold. I can drink tea now with out any sugar or sweetner! So I have a cup of tea before my first break, and then I try not to drink a lot at lunch because I have a 3 hour stretch before I can take another break.

My belly button has pretty much disappeared. Jamie and I are really glad that though that my belly button hasn't become an "outie" - like the pop up things on turkeys when they're done cooking.

Tonight is the last night of birthing class. We're talking about c-sections. Hopefully I won't need one, but it's better to know what's going to happen - just in case. Today we're going shopping - getting Christmas presents for everyone - and our train for our anniversary. I think we're going to stop the train tradition at our 10 year anniversary. So the last year, we'll buy the caboose.

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December 2 - 33 weeks - 7 more to go!

The book says Rachel weighs about 4.4 pounds - but we all know she's bigger than that. She's about 19.4 inches long. I've gained 29.5 pounds. I'm probably going to be gaining 1/2 pound a week for the rest of the time, so it looks like I'll have gained 33 pounds by the end of the pregnancy - which is right in the normal range :-D yay

Today is the 3rd birthing class. We're trying to get flight arrangements to go to Virginia - it looks like we might be able to go in 2 weeks.

With this weeks reading, I learned that after your water breaks, you should avoid intercourse because of increased possibility of infection. I need to ask a few questions tomorrow at my doctor's appointment 1. Whether or not an episiotomy is standard practice for her. 2. At what point will she suggest a c-section. 3. Is there a pediatrician she recommends.

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November 23 - 32 Weeks - 8 to go!

Time for the home stretch! The book says Rachel weighs almost 4 pounds - but I know she's more than that now! Last Thursday at our follow-up ultrasound, they said she was at 4 pounds already and in the 60th percentile - meaning only 40% of the babies at this stage are larger than her! The book says she's about 18.9 inches long now too.

Other great news from the ultrasound: My placenta has moved away from my cervix, and I'll be able to attempt a natural birth and I don't have to go on bed rest! yay!! Plus, I start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks now. I have new ultrasound pictures I'm going to scan in and upload here too, so they'll be coming soon.

In our birthing classes, we've been practicing having "contractions". Jamie is supposed to sit behind me and rub my back or my head or my arms/hands. The instructor said for us to practice them at home too, but Jamie doesn't want to start practicing until closer - I want to start practicing now! I want a massage every night! lol

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November 16 - 31 weeks - 9 to go!

Here we go! I can't believe we'll get to meet her in 9 weeks! It is going to fly - especially with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all in those 9 weeks! Rachel weighs about 3.5 pounds now and is 18 inches long. The book says I should have gained between 21 and 27 pounds, and I'm right at 27 - how in the world did I go from the bottom of the charts to the top?! maybe it was the cruise... lol

We have our follow up ultrasound on Thursday to make sure my placenta moved - and we'll get to verify it's a girl. Plus we have day 2 of our birthing class.

This book is getting scary now - it's talking about Intrauterine-Growth Retardation (IUGR) meaning extra small child for it's gestational age. There are certain conditions that increase the chance of IUGR. Smoking (we all know), poor weight gain, maternal blood-flow problems, kidney disease, alcoholism, maternal anemia, umbilical cord or placenta abnormalities, and just being extra small. Good thing I don't fall into any of those categories!

Then they talk about pre-eclampsia, siezures resulting and hypertension - This is not a good time to start stressing me out! I knew about a lot of that already, but I'm having a great pregnancy - I don't even want the possibility of becoming a hypochondriac!

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Birthing class day 1

We started the birthing class last night and WOW! I am so impressed with this hospital! The security measures are amazing! They have a wrist band check in/out system that only the mom/dad and baby wear - which is pretty normal. THEN... they have an electronic device they attach to the baby (in an undisclosed location) that will trigger the alarm system and shut all the doors if the baby gets too close. All of the hallways and rooms are video taped (except for the recovery rooms for privacy).

They only allow up to 3 visitors in the room (for crowd control) in the labor room - and if it's a c-section only 1. After delivery, you get 1 hour of bonding time, then for the first 4 hours, they go into the transition nursery where they get their first bath and get the iodine on the umbilical cord, attach the electronic device, etc.

After delivery we have a choice of a suite (at $500 per day), a private room (at $60 per day), or a semi-private room (free). Jamie is allowed to stay the night if we select a private room, but not if it's semi-private. That's something we're going to have to discuss, but we don't have to make the decision until we're there to have Rachel.

They even gave us a list of supplies to pack for the Labor and Delivery bag - and then another list for the recovery bag. They said to leave the recovery bag in the car until after I go to the recovery room and then Jamie can get it from the car. They have free valet services - for all the time - not just for delivery day - it's for checkups and regular appointments too if I want it. lol

Next class is next Thursday - woo hoo - we're supposed to bring pillows for breathing exercises...

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November 9 - 30 weeks!

Wow! Down to the last 10 weeks! Rachel weighs about 3 pounds - and she is a little over 17 inches long. I've gained 25 pounds now. The cruise didn't help much - but I at least got to exercise and I didn't go crazy on the free pizza and icecream. The book says I'll probably gain a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy.

We have pictures!!! yay! I'm going to upload them tonight after work.

We start birthing classes on Thursday!

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October 26 - week 28 - 7 Months!

Rachel weighs about 2.4 pounds. She's about 15.75 inches long! That is amazing because just 11 weeks ago, she only weighed about 3.5 ounces! My uterus is about 3.2 inches above my belly button. The book says my weight gain should be between 17 and 24 pounds - and I've gained 24. I have no idea how I went from the bottom of the charts to the top. :-( I have been walking every day just like the doctor requested - and I've stayed out of the fast food restaurants on my own. grrr.

About this time, her brain will start developing the grooves and indentations on the surface like we know the brain to have - also the amount of brain tissue increases. Her body is becoming plumper and rounder.

We leave on Friday for our cruise to Cozumel and Costa Maya. I can't wait! The only snag will be boarding. They say no one over 27 weeks. I'm only a week and a half over and I've been very healthy this whole time. SO... I'm going to be 24 again for a few days... lol

She seems to like music - every time I put it on, she starts dancing inside me. It doesn't matter what kind, but she seems to especially like dance/club music. haha!

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October 19 - week 27

This week marks the beginning of the third trimester. The doctor's now measure the baby's body from head to toe. She weighs a little more than 2 pounds and she's 15.3 inches. I've gained 22 pounds. I've been doing very well at exercising and staying out of McDonalds this week. It's hard though!! lol I can't believe I only have 13 weeks left!

I got a promotion at work - I'm officially only a tier 3 representative! :-D I'll be learning Commercial soon, which means static IPs - whoopie!! My schedule is changing after the cruise, so the new schedule is 9-6 with Thurs and Fri off - effective 11/4.

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October 11 - Week 26

The glucose test wasn't that bad - mine tasted just like Orange Soda - no yucky aftertaste or anything! They'll let me know at my next appointment the results if everything is fine - they'll call me before hand if we need to do anything.

Her heart rate yesterday at the doctor's was 156 bmp.

Rachel now weighs almost 2 pounds. She's about 9.2 inches from crown-to-rump. Just like last week I mentioned the book saying I should be between 16 and 22 pounds weight gain, and when I weighed myself this morning - it showed 22 pounds! AAAHHH I will admit that the fast food joints have been hollering for me, but other than that I've been really good. The doctor even mentioned that I've gained too much weight :-( SOOO now I have to exercise at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. Yesterday Jamie and I went on a walk, and today I did my pregnancy video. I'm hoping that at my next checkup, that I haven't gained that much.

Jamie got to see my tummy move a few days ago! That was exciting!

We leave for our cruise in 2 1/2 weeks! The count down begins!!

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October 5 - 25 weeks!

Jamie's been at a conference all weekend - speaking about his senior thesis from U of A - I'm so proud of him - he worked really hard to acheieve that recognition! He comes home today - yay!

Rachel weighs about 1.5 pounds now and is about 8.8 inches long. My next doctor's appointment is Monday the 11th. I have to go in an hour early for my glucose screening. I'm bringing my afghan to sew since I'll be at the hospital most of the day.

I've gained 18 pounds. The book doesn't give any recommended weight gain this week, but I looked ahead for next week and it says between 16-22, so as long as I'm not stupid this week - I'll be right on target :-) So many women I've talked to say they gained 50-70 pounds with pregnancy - I can't believe it! That is just so much weight - and because I was big before - I know just how much work that is to take off! I don't want to see that routine again!

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September 28 - 24 weeks - 6 months!

Jamie got to feel Rachel move for the first time last night - it was really cool. She pushed back against his hand. He was like - IS THAT HER!? and I said - I felt it too, so yes :-) Jamie and I had a date Sunday night - we went for icecream with Jill and Jason and their 3 year old. Then the two of us when to see a movie afterwards. It was so great to spend time together again. On the way home, we found a praying mantis we kept him for a while, but then let him go we found some other bugs - we wanted to watch him eat. Jamie also found a tree frog while we were looking for bugs - it reminded me of the 4 tree frogs I had about 8 years ago.

Rachel weighs about 1.2 pounds now and is about 8.4 inches long. The scale shows I've gained 18 pounds. I'm going to weigh myself again tomorrow and check.

Her bones are starting to harden, so her movements will start to be more noticeable. Under her skin, sweat glands are forming, Also, her lung cells are making surfactant which is a fatty substance that will help her breath when she's first born much like it's easier to blow up a slightly inflated balloon than a completely deflated balloon.

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September 21 - 23 weeks!

Holy cow! The book says the baby weighs almost 1 pound! and is 8 inches crown-to-rump in length!

The book says I should have gained between 12-15 pounds, but my scale said 17 this morning - which can't be right because I haven't gained 5 pounds in a week - so I'm guessing it's water??

Rachel's pancreas is developing. This will help her create insulin which breaks down and helps her use sugar. The next doctor's appointment (Oct 11) will test for diabetes.

We're 1 week shy of 6 months! I can't believe how fast this is going!!!

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September 14 - 22 weeks!

Yesterday at the doctor's appointment they said I have a "low lying" placenta and they will monitor it. I will be getting another ultrasound later just to make sure the placenta has moved up so that Rachel can come out normally. If it doesn't move, then she will have to be taken by c-section. I've heard that you only get 1 ultrasound with normal pregnancies - maybe "everyone" has this so we all get 2 ultrasounds?!?!

The book now says that Rachel weighs about 12.25 ounces and crown-to-rump is 7.6 inches. I've gained 12 pounds.

I'm feeling her a lot more than I used to. :-D OH! And Jamie it's so funny - he'll shout into my belly button "Rachel, this is your father!" I just giggle...

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September 7 - 21 weeks!

We're on the downward slope! Rachel now weighs about 10.5 oz and is about 7.2 inches from crown to rump. She's about the size of a banana! I've gained 11 pounds - the book says I should be between 10-14 - so I'm right on target :-)

Her digestive system now allows her to swallow the amniotic fluid. From that, she's able to absorb much of the water in it and passes unabsorbed matter as far as the large bowel. Not sure why babies swallow in the woom - researchers think helps growth and development of the digestive system to allow it to function correctly after birth.

The book says I have to lay off the contact sports - or ball sports where I might get hit. Dang - I guess no more tackle football in the grass.

Jamie bought me 2 new shirts yesterday :-) they're so pretty. I'm really feeling good, both mentally and physically.

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August 31 - 20 Weeks - 5 months!

This is so exciting! I can't believe it's been 5 months already! 20 weeks marks the midpoint - I'm halfway done! The baby is between 5.6 - 6.4 crown-to-rump in length and weighs about 9 ounces. I've still only gained 10 pounds - and I'm really excited about my pregnancy body thus far. I still look pretty normal from the front and the back, but when you look at me sideways - you can tell I'm pregnant. Or just oddly fat. lol The book says I will be growing 1 cm each week. Here comes the weight!

Rachel now has vernix all over her - it's that cheesy stuff that protects her from the amniotic fluid. She'll keep that until the doctor's wipe her off right before I get to see her.

I'm getting new underware this week - my current drawers are not cutting it anymore hahaaa.

We've decided not to bank Rachel's cord blood - mainly because we have no family history of any childhood disorders, and being that we're both white - it'll make finding a match if it becomes necessary easier. Plus it's *really* expensive!

I'm starting to get stretch marks, so I'm using the Mary Kay Visibly Fit Body Firming Lotion twice a day just to see if that does anything.

I'm starting to feel her move more often now - she WOULD NOT LAY STILL last night when we were trying to go to bed - it was weird - I'd just be laying there, Jamie and I talking, and then I'd jump in pain - I don't know what she was doing, but - she's gotta stop that!

We've registered for our childbirth classes - this will be very informative on the different types of birth and then we get to choose - class is in November.

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August 24 - 19 Weeks!

YAY! We got a phone call today from the Dr.'s office - the results of the tri-screen test came back negative for Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Mental Retardation, and heart defects.

The book says the baby is 5.2 - 6 inches long - crown-to-rump. I can't believe the baby will increase in weight more than 15 times between now and delivery!

It's getting very difficult to lay on my back - only because it takes so long to get up - and get my organs back to normal.

My pregnancy exercise video came in the mail last night - so I got to do it this morning - WOW I feel good! I start my new schedule on Friday - and it will allow me to exercise on a regular basis! I'm working 2-11p, which is late, yes, but I'll be getting extra pay, plus I'm going to be off on Sun/Mon which will allow me and Jamie 1 full day off together.

I've gained exactly 10 pounds :-D the book says at week 19, weight gain should be between 9-14 pounds - not sure why the discrepancy from week 18, but who knows... I think that with all the exercise I'm doing, I'll continue to stay on the bottom side of normal - which will make it easier for delivery and weight loss after the baby comes.

One of my new friends yesterday said I can't believe you're almost 5 months! You don't hardly look pregnant! Jamie said - just wait! - you'll get bigger... tee hee.

Next Doctor's Appointment: September 13

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August 18 - 18 Weeks!

Our ultrasound was scheduled for the 18th - they made Jamie wait in the waiting room while the ultrasonographer did all the measurements of the baby. It took so long - Jamie thought either that something was wrong or that we were playing.

IT'S A GIRL!!! Rachel Lynn

We also had blood drawn to complete the tri-screen test. We should have results back soon.

The measurements taken by the ultrasonographer says she's 7oz. WOW! I've gained 9 pounds. The book says I should have gained between 10-13 pounds, so I'm right on track.

I found a DVD from netflix for a pregnancy workout and added it to the list - hopefully it will be here soon.

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August 10 - 17 Weeks!

The baby is now 4.4 - 4.8 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. The baby is about the size of your and spread open wide. I've gained 7 pounds and it's pretty obvious now... This week I got some new clothes - a bathing suit because I'm teaching private swimming lessons - it is so cute - it looks like a blue and white ginham dress. Plus while I was there, they gave me a goodie bag. It had a bottle, a bunch of coupons and a pair of socks!!! they are SO tiny! Also - one of the coupons was for a free 64mb memory card if you bought a digital camera - SOOO guess who's finally going to get a camera soon!

The secret is out at work, my boss (Anna) said, "So, Melinda, do you have any children?" I said no, she said, "Do you want children?" I knew where she was going... so I confessed and said I was pregnant - she started jumping around and said I KNEW IT!!! So... aparently everyone at work will know very soon.

I think I felt flutters of the baby a few days, ago, but since I haven't felt anything since - I'm not sure that was it..

6 days left until Ultrasound!!

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August 3 - Week 16 - 4 months!

I can't believe I'm 4 months already! wow - time flies! The baby is 4.3-4.6 inches now - and weighs about 2.8 ounces. The baby is starting to get fine lanugo hair, and has well formed fingernails! Some time this month (in the next 4 weeks) I'll be able to feel the baby start to move - that'll be SOOO cool!

My nurse said I don't have to come in tomorrow for the Tri-Screen test - they can do that at the same time I come in for the ultrasound on the 18th.

I have to start practicing sleeping on my side - I've been trying, but it's hard.

I've almost outgrown another pair of pants. Net weight gain - 7 pounds.

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July 27 - Week 15!

Dylan (Jamie's cousin) is visiting us this week - and we stayed up waaayy too late playing Dominos - so I'm a bit tired today. Plus this is my 6th day of work in a row - tomorrow's my weekend! yay I'm teaching a friend's chidren a quick swimming lesson on Wednesday, and then Thursday we're all going to Six Flags-Astro world - since we can walk there - lol

The baby is 4.1 - 4.5 inches now and weighs about 1.75 ounces. It's getting pretty obvious to people who haven't seen me in a while that I'm pregnant, but to strangers - they still don't know - unless I tell them. I should be able to feel movement in a few weeks. I've gained 6 1/2 pounds.

I found out a little more about the Tri-screen test - my book calls it a Triple-Screen test. With the triple-screen test, my alpha-fetoprotein level is checked, along with the amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG; a pregnancy hormone) and unconjugated estriol (a form of estrogen produced by the placenta). The levels of these three chemicals in my blood may indicate the presence of Down Syndrome. Even though I'm 30, they don't put me in the "older mothers" category. The older monthers' test results detect a presence in more than 60% of the tests, with a false-positive rate of nearly 25%.

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My First Doctor's Appointment

WOW! Did we have fun today! Our appointment was at 10am - we didn't get called back until 10:45 - running a bit late I suppose.

They were quite shocked that we hadn't seen anyone and that we were so far along. The Nurse Practicioner gave props to all my friends and family who've guided me in this process so far. So thanks to all of you reading :-)

We got to hear the heart beat - wow was that powerful! I teared up a bit - this finally seems real! The nurse had a hard time keeping up with the baby - she had to chase it all over my pelvis. She casually mentioned that she wonders if it's a boy because of all the movement... and I know you all know I'm convinced it's a boy, so that just solidified eveything in my mind!

They did lots of tests on me: pap, AIDS, STD, Hep B, and a Complete Blood Count. While I was having the pap done - Jamie wanted to learn, so the doctor let him look at my cervix. He thought that was really interesting. He keeps saying he wants to watch the delivery - I'm not sure if I want him to watch the delivery!

So we go back in 2 weeks for a "TriScreen Test" - they'll draw more blood and then do an alpha-fetoprotein test and combine that with 2 other blood substances to test for neural tube defects and Down's Syndrome.

Then we go back 2 weeks after that (4 weeks from now) to have my ultrasound - and...barring the baby's legs being closed, we'll be able to know the gender! yay! I can't wait!

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July 13 - 13 weeks!

WOW! Baby is 2.6 - 3.1 inches long now - and weighs between .5 and .7 ounces. It's about the size of a peach! I only have 2 pairs of pants left - GOTTA GO SHOPPING! I've still only gained 5 pounds.

I have been itching lately - nothing major - just some random itching. I've had to cut my fingernails twice now! crazy!!

Mom and dad bought Jamie and I an SUV of a stroller - it's the coolest! It has a stroller, car seat, and carrier all in one - and it has a clock on it with a temperature display! crazy!

Almost done with my first trimester - I'm not sure why it starts at 14 weeks... but hey - I don't make up the rules.

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July 6 - 12 weeks - 3 Months!!

Not much new - I still have only gained 5 pounds. Baby is about 2.5 inches long, and weighs about 1/2 ounce. Mom and dad are coming on Thursday for the weekend.

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June 29 - 11 weeks!

I have a fetus now! lol The baby is 1.75 - 2.4 inches now - and weighs about .3 ounces. The baby is starting to get fingernails!!br>
The only thing I have noticed with me is that my fingernails are growing so fast! I am actually having to trim them so they don't get in the way. They are long though, so I think I'm going to have a french manicure done soon - I love them!br>
I am still 4.5 pounds more than where I was the day I got pregnant. Jamie and I are going to start swimming and walking to help me get some exercise - since the only real exercise I got was going to San Antonio last weekend to the RiverWalk. We walked around for 6 hours!

Off to work - tomorrow is pay day! yay! We should be buying a camera soon, so start looking for pictures :-)

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June 22 - 10 Weeks!

Yesterday we got robbed! we're still finding things missing - so far, they took Jamie's wedding ring, class ring, and 2 neclaces with charms. Of my things, they took some of my dressy earrings - luckily none of which is real! They bypassed my real pearls - maybe they don't know quality!? tee hee. They must have done something evil to Jamie's computer because it was damaged as well. The computer repair place said it would be cheaper just to get a new one. And today (Saturday) I found my diary missing?! what the heck?!

Jamie got into a car accident today - luckily no one was hurt. He hit someone who ran a red light - ugh. Of course since no one stopped, it's considered a no fault accident. Hopefully USAA won't drop us!!!

Anwyay - onto the baby... length is about 1.25 inches - 1.68 inches (31-42mm). I'm down to 2 pair of pants left - time to go shopping! I've gained 3 pounds since April 13 :-)
The book says I'm supposed to gain about 10 pounds by week 18 and since I'm more than half way there - with less than half of the weight gain - I think I'm doing great!

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June 15 - 9 weeks!

The baby is now 22-30mm almost the size of a medium green olive. Funny how the book describes the size to food. I've gained a total of 2 pounds now.

Jamie comes home from work and plays with my belly - it's kinda cute.

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June 8 - 8 weeks - 2 Months!

Holy cow! the baby is between 14-20mm now! About the size of a pinto bean. my clothes are starting to get snug around the waist. I've gained a pound. The boob fairy came to visit! I'm down to 3 pairs of pants.

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June 1 - 7 weeks!

My first day of work! There aren't enough people to fill a whole training class, so we're going to parallel all week - and then join the other people next week for training.

The baby had a growth spurt! Crown-to-rump length is 4-5mm and by the end of the week it will be 11-13mm!

Still no weight gain.

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May 25 - 6 weeks!

Elizabeth Kearney loaned me a book called Your Pregnancy Week by Week. Jamie and I read it every Tuesday to see what's happening this week. I haven't gained any weight yet. The baby is between 2-4mm long.

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Moving Day

Three days later (May 21) was moving day - we loaded up the truck and headed for Texas. We arrived the night of the 22nd. The next morning we went to the apartment complex we reserved - Greenhouse Patio - to check in. When we arrived we saw people drinking out of paper bags at 11am - on a Sunday?! Jamie decided we absolutly would not live there.

Back on the highway - we found a hotel to put our things for the day while we continued to look for an apartment.

Lo and behold! we found a great place that had immediate occupancy, so we signed the lease and moved in all on the same day! Thanks to Billy Knopp for helping us - we wouldn't have been able to do it without him!

Have to go to bed early - I had an interview the very next day!

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Test Results: Positive

We went to Jamie's mom's house for mother's day and I was starting to get suspicious because I was about 5 days late - Jamie didn't want to find out until we were a full week late. So May 18 - I woke up about 4:30am (naturally - don't ask) and just had to find out. I did a pregnancy test - and I wasn't quite sure at first because the results displayed slowly. I got back in bed - Jamie was awake too. He said, "are you"? I said, "I dont know - you go look". He came back and kissed me and then told me to go look. I found 2 solid lines! I tried to go back to bed, but it wasn't happening. I called my mom and Tania in Virginia - because I knew they'd be awake by now since they're 2 hours ahead of Tucson time. After that, I was able to go back to bed for a few hours. The whole rest of the day was spent on the phone!

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Conception Day

Well of course with Jamie's busy school schedule, the only day we had the chance to try was Thursday April 29.

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Ovulation Day

Okay - I know I'm not normal, but I can feel my ovaries - and at 10am on April 27, I felt myself ovulate - so I called Jamie and said - it's time to try!

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First Day of my Last Period

It's April 13 - and although I didn't know I was about to become pregnant - this day turned out to be the first day of my last period! Jamie and I decided to stop taking the pill in April because we knew we couldn't get pregant until May. So April 10 was my last pill.

How it all began...