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My Virtual Photo Album

Hello! Kristie Smith, wanton sex...WHOOPS! i mean welcome to my photo gallery *blushing* This site is a work in progress, as it has been for the past few years, so please excuse my lack of imagination in how this website is displayed. If you have any suggestions, please email me at . LUV KRIS last updated:November 11th, 2003

KRIS graduated from SFU! I know it's a shock, but somehow I ended up with a BSc in Cell and Molecular Biology. 5 years in the making (crazy). I have about 3 rolls of film; here is but a sampling. October 2nd, 2003

Ryan, Mum and Dad came to the ceremony

Kristie and her dad :-)

Pat's Bday party Sept 2003

8pm. Just hanging around at my place one night Summer 2003 with friends. The next few photos are from later points in the evening

Giving a little attitude ;)

Timed delay. Fun stuff!

posing for the camera

spooky Kristie. Sitting on Dan's couch while George plays with his camera. The book I'm browsing through? Had something to do with pick up lines and girls. I don't exactly remember... it was about 3am by this point

May, 2003. Everyone needs a bum pict? ack! Whycliff park

Kristie and Alia teach NVOS students to dance April 2003. YEE HAW

Mike and Kristie teach canoeing

mid may 2003, after Caberet night at Argyle, Kristie goes to Mieke's place at about 1am *hehe*

Shawna, Mieke and Kristie, about to embark on a trip to Ikea, April 18, 2003

another happy halloween 2002 :)

Kristie tries to figure out how long that Timbit will stay stuck to the ceiling. good 'ol camping trip in ~'98

Shawna takes some time out to paint Kristie's nails in Amy's (now old) appartment '00

this night...! omg!started with sushi then bowling with the NVOS alumni October '02, then off to a WILD party in Indian River with a live band and plenty of beverages :)Sorry, dont have the party pictures back yet. they will be up soon along with Halloween picts

August 29th, 2002, the family goes out for mum's bday! awe.... kodak moment. best picture of us in a long time. expect this one to be on our christmas cards :)

I found this picture on Amy's fridge... i think it is from 2000 or 2001 thereabouts

In July '02 Kristie held a BBQ where about 15 people came. Here Mieke and Kristie pose for a last minute photo :)

For Ryan's 25th birthday we took a small crowd to Whistler. Here we are at the end of our loonnnnngggg weekend, outside the awesome cabin we had all to ourselves in May '02

an old picture from '98, Kim (now taller then me) and I hanging out in Maui

another picture from '98! (good year it seems for pictures.. as you will see from this page). also this is the only picture you are likely to see of me in a two piece ;)

Rebecca and Kristie take a moment to sit near the thinking spot June '02

March 2002 at Mieke's 22nd birthday bash... Kristie takes a picture of herself, and looks bewideringly into the camera

St. Denis, for those who have been there, is a really great street to walk along. My favourite part of Montreal was this cute little park... i have a few stories to tell about what went on here! highlight of my trip :)

A lovely postcard, showing the neat stairs in front of some houses

Montreal April 2002! McGill University

This is a picture taken for movie-extra work, '96. So this is me at 16 years old! and with no makeup....interesting

Mieks and Kris, out for a day on the town, or rather here on a boat ;) (summer '01)

another day out on the town, here going up the Grouse Mountain skyride with amy and shawna(summer '01)

Caberet at Argyle May 2001, the Aces are together again and looking FIINNNE :)

Kristie's 21st birthday "family dinner"

bored of walking aimlessly through the mall, kristie and mieke decide to express their creativity

New Years 2001 Just hanging around

camping at Alice Lake '98

New Years 2000!!

Kim, Kristie, and Ryan Christmas '99

the 6aces at the graduation reception June '98

after the aftergrad *G*

amy and kristie want to spice up the ceremony a tad

camping near Shannon Falls, we decided to trek across a small part of a glacier-cold river

Halloween at Mieke's house!!!

Jeannette and Dan's wedding, Feb '00. Kristie is a bridesmaid! all her best friends are also shown here :)

fashion statement? camping gear!

Kristie and Shawna at a pool hall dec '99

kris and mieke in grade 10!! *awe*

"look what i can do!" *inside joke*

Amy's 20th bday, also George's 27th, Sept '00. this pict has been titled "George's harem"

one of our fave teachers in high school, Mr. Roddie

'lil ryan and kristie

embarking on another road trip! this time to seattle june '00

amy kris and satu, august '00, on "the Rock" in Deep Cove

a picture i found from ~'98 at Jeannette's wedding. Rebecca and I posing for zee cameras

kristie drinking.. ummmm... something....(a sleepover at amy's '98?)

gals at kris' place

grad cruise '98

this is obviously not me ;)

i was told that this reminded someone of me...i wasnsn't sure what to say at the time but i think the picture is kind of neat