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Here is some information about me:)

I Love You MOM:)

Parents are so special for us

A Little Prayer For You

Clik to visit homepages of my Best Friends

Some pictures about Friendship

If You want to LAUGH, see those pictures

Pictures   Sexy Women Can Do That   Puter Pictures   Funny Pictures  

Love is like a Rose   Heartprints   A Heart to Love you   Free  

My favorite songs and their impressive lyrics

Madonna   Whitney Houston   Metallica  

Mariah Carey   Celine Dion   Savage Garden

A Friend ...   Friend   Someone There for You  

Simple & Real   ABC of Friendship   Always have a Dream  

Recip for Friendship   How Special You are   Keeper of Friendship  

Some Jokes to make you smile

Bartender   How To Impress  

Dear Wife- Dear Husband   How They Do It?   Rules Of The Bedroom Golf  

Blind Man   Dead Job By Title   It's Your First Time  

9 Important Men   A Hundred Dollar   MEN !!  

My Bicycle   Male or Female?s  

La Vie est Beauté, Admire-la

Some Real Stories

Don't Drink & Drive   The Dress   If I Knew  

The Beautiful Art Cities of Belgium

Rotterdam with Pictures

I Love that beautiful city


: "Canasta" is my favorite Yahoo! Games

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