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cartoon dolls by caroline

important note: i am not accepting any more doll requests! a while ago i checked my email and the requests...out of like 100 messages about 2 were valid. neext time i checked, about 2 months after, my inbox had 300 requests. i am SO SO SO SO sorry, but i just haven't got the time to search through all these requests. i am really sorry for those of you who have waited for a really long time, but haven't gotten your doll, even if you did have a valid request. not to worry though, i'll still have my how to page and my various dolls page, for those of you who want to make your own or get them from my page. and oh, if you have a link up for my dolls, you can take it down. i don't really care, you can just take the dolls. if i have time i might post up some more dolls i've had for months now. thanx for putting up with me...

Various Dolls I made

Cartoon Doll Clique

How to Make Cartoon Dolls