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A Promise Given
A Promise Kept...

Picture by
Teri Garrison

A young bride stood before a congregation
Almost twenty years ago….
The hymn
“I Vow To Thee My Country”
Was sung by all those assembled
In St. Paul's Cathedrel.
The world joined in her special day…
The song was not just her favorite hymn
It was a young girls covenant with her country.
Diana vowed to love her husband...
To raise his children in a loving way...
And to be an example...
To all who watched her marry...
Not only to her prince...
But to her country...
Diana kept this vow...
From a shy young girl...
In an ivory wedding gown...
To the inspiring woman...
She was at her death..

Diana kept her vows to her country...
And to the world that loved her...

It is time for us...
The people who loved her...
To honor the vow we made...
As we laid our Princess to rest...
It has been five years...
And until now...
No memorial is in place for her....
There have been so many excuses...
But no excuse is good enough....
It is time for her people to make it happen....
Join Diana’s Knights...
In our campaign to build
Diana's Memorial...
We want to make a statement
to the United Kingdom...
And to the world...
We are asking you to send your contributions to

Give what you can…
One dollar...Or one thousand dollars…
One dollar from a million people can make a difference…
Let's keep our vow to
Diana, Princess of Wales
Let's show the world
How we feel about her
Let's get that Memorial built…
Maria Lindberg

We can Build
Diana's Memorial”

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