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This page is in memory and dedicated to Danielle. I'll miss you!

My Favorite Web Sites

hear other stories about children with cancer.
cancer support for your heart and soul.
send a card to the ones you love!
*NEW* My First Christmas in heaen and other poems

Things I remember most about her.

An angel came to earth one day. She came in a tiny form and she needed a loving couple that she could call mom and dad. She arrived on Friday March 8, 1991, as Danielle Brittany Bauer - on loan form God . Touching down in Boise Id, Blessing the home of two loving people. She blossomed and grew in their loving care. She had a smile that touched many and a touch that blessed all. Her nauural curly deep auburn hair was an eye catcher and a conversation piece. In July 1995, Danielles speech was notably regressing and she was later diagnosed with Rhabdomyoma sarcoma. Since she couldn't say this difficult word she called it "Pokey's cancer" because it was the same form of cancer that took the life of BSU's football coach Pokey Allen. During the past four years throughout the course of her illness, Dani accumulated a treasure chest of friends and loved ones. She hasn't crossed a path without being noted for her positive outlook on life, her contagious smile,and her infectious laugh. As she went through remission people cheered for her and she was moral support for other children with cancer . As she was later diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor, there wasn't a day that went by she didn't live life to the fullest. God never blessed her with gorgeous auburn curls again, but Friday July 9, 1999, he gave her wings. Dani has gone to see many of the friends she made throughout the years. We will greatly miss her but are very priviledged for having her as a part of our lives . We are happy she is now at peace. Though she was only 8 she lived a life time filled with so much love and friendship. We will ALL miss you. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
