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Hello, Good Day and welcome to my web site (Izzy--that's me!!) all about A Bugs Life!! It's not so great at the moment...well what can I say? I've only just started on it! But soon more new and exciting things are going to be coming your way, so just watch this space!! If you want you can E-Mail me with some views on what you think I can do to make the site better, my E-mail is at the bottom of the page.Anyway, I'm off to see what else I can do to make this site a whole lot better! Oh yeah, and also, if u want, E-mail me with YOUR three fave A Bugs Life characters, and I'll include them on this page. Mine are listed below! C ya later! Izzy

Some more web site for ABL, if you've got any to want me to add, E-Mail me!! Oh yeah.please oh please visit my forum!! The links down there somewhere!!

The offical page...V good

Pixar offical page! Three guesses for where this one leads!

Daisy's anthill! Please visit this site! I can guarentee it'd really good!

Movie quotes
Your characters
The 100% Flik page!
The 100% Atta page!
The 100% Hopper page!
< Y not send your mates a greetings card via E-mail?

Get your own FREE Guestbook from htmlGEAR View my guestbook sign my guestbook < 26th March 2000----Well here we are, the first day my site has been up and I've allready had one person in to sign my guestbook! Cheers Daisy! I knew I could count on you! It's gonna get better from here on in though, I'mthinking bout putting up some fanfics etc, but until I work out how to that'll have to wait. The next newest thing you'll probably find is a poll, where you can rate and tell me what you'd like to see on my site!! It's all uphill from now on!! Izzy

28th March 2000---Did some extra little things to my'll probably notice the poll down the bottom. You can just pop in there if you want and tell me who your favourite character is! Hoping to get some pictures up soon...nothing major will happen till this weekend though when I have a proper chance to update it!

31st March 2000---Problems with my site--like I don't have some allready! The Quotes page is messing around and so is the counter, they should be fixed pretty soon though. Fanfic comin' out tommorrow as well, you'll be able to read it, if yu can! It still doesn't make that much sense to me!! Anway, you'll find out tomorrow!

8th April---Gettin along pretty well, pictures should be up sometime next week, fr definate this time! Oh yeah and whos the wise guy or gal that marked my siteas total and utter crud???You gotta lotta explaining to do!

A LITTLE ABOUT ME!! Well, you know about the site but what about the person behind it? Well, beforeI tell you bout the 'real' me, you might as well get to know my character Izzy.Izzy is a pretty tough grasshopper. Her parents died when she was five and since then has been living independantly.

She was twenty five when Molt found her in the Bug Bar in Bug City. They hit it of straight away and are still very close.

Izzy has a real pretty face, but has three scars running down it from fights she had when she was younger. One is over her left eye, (just like Hoppers) one other is on her forehead and the other is running between her eyes. She absolutely adores Thumper, but didn't get off to a very good start with Hopper! There's a fanfic comin' out about her soon, which justifies all I've said here! Now for the REAL me! My real name is Sarah Donaldson , I'm 15 and I live in England! I'vegot a dog called Bonny, a cat called Izzy (coincidence??) two barn owls, one called Guinevere and the other is called Goose! I've also got a few chickens! I live with my pesky brother James (his char name is Buzzer, he may pop up oncei while....look out for him, he's a pain! Anyway, look out for more info soon!!

Why not take my poll? at:

Right this has gotta be said, so here goes. All characters on this site that don't belong to me are all copyright Disney/Pixar. The only characters that are copyright me are Izzy, Buzzer, Misty and Jesebell. Hey, don't sue me! I'm just having a good time!