We Are Back!

Caribou High School

Class of 1969

In the times that we are living it seems like everything is upside down and inside out.

If it isn't wild fires, it's hurricanes and terrorism here at home. Across the globe it's wars and anarchy.

Put a smile on your face by keeping in touch with those who care

using social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) or by the good old standby, the telephone.

Remember, it's nice to hear the voice of a friend, a family member or a loved one.

By God's Grace he will get us through all of this turmoil and hopefully bring us peace and tranquility.

Below you will find a listing of mailing and e-mail addresses
plus links to pictures and other memorabilia.
I'm sure that from time to time some of the addresses and/or e-mails change.
If you are aware of any of these changes, would you please send an email
(next page.. News & Notes) to bring these to our attention.

Classmates are all listed in alphabetical order by last name. Click the letter to follow the links.

A-B | C | D-G | H-K | L-M | N-R | S-W | E-mails Only

- Additional Items Of Interest -

Humor, Wit, Wisdom

Do You Remember | News & Notes

Pictures | Memorials | Calendar

Don't forget to add this page to your FAVORITES or BOOKMARKS