
I added a minor thing to this story...




“How can you write down everything that you’ve been through”? People ask. All I have to tell them is ‘If you’ve got something, tell it; you’d be surprised how many people will be changed by it’. That’s why I’m here right now typing all this down, and that’s why you’re here reading it


I walked out onto the blacktop like any normal day, to be greeted by my friends, Laura, Ben, Christy, and Eric, But today I wasn’t and I never would be again. I was the new kid. The kid everyone would make fun of and point at for about a week until he made friends. But I don’t know if I could ever make friends like the ones I had when I lived at home in England. I had just moved here to the USA, and I wasn’t enjoying any of it! I was probably the only kid at this school that would have and English accent. Everyone would call me ‘Britt Boy’ or something dumb like that. I hadn’t even been through one school day yet and I already hated the school. The school was called Noble. It was like 7:51 and I was walking out to the blacktop where one of the teachers told me to go. This was the only thing that was the same as my old school. Everyone would wait out on the blacktop before they went inside the school. This usually was my favorite time of the day but it wasn’t today. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I went over to a bench to sit down. I sat and watched some kids play basketball, and they really sucked! I began to notice a small group of people form around me. I looked up and then my eyes became stuck there, I just saw the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my life. Her Auburn hair was twisted up In a clip and puffed out at the top. Her brownie-green eyes sparkled in the sun as she talked to her friends. I was mesmerized by her looks as I watched her not even knowing what would happen after that…


I walked out onto the blacktop with my friends, Abs, Sean, Rich, Claire, Karen, Brie, Nicole, Amy, and Wes. We were heading to our normal spot by the bench to wait for the bell to ring. As we approached the bench we noticed someone sitting there, it was a boy. So we just decided to stand by the bench and talk. “So has anyone done their Science Project”? Wes said looking at me. He always watched out for me he was like a dad to me or something. I rolled my eyes. “Piper, you need to do that project or Mr. Hasket will fail you” He said. “Duh Wes, I’m already failing that class, you should know, you know everything else about me” I replied. Everyone laughed. I knew, as well as the whole school knew, that Wes had a crush on me; that’s why he always watched out for me. “Hey let’s sit down I’m tired of standing” Nicole mumbled and sat next to the boy who was now starring at me. I decided that being the nice person I am would introduce myself. “Hey I’m Piper, Who are you”? I said sitting down on the bench as well. “Uh…I’m Scott” he replied. “Wow, you’re British, me too”! Abs screamed. “And me” Rich replied. “Yup me too” Sean mumbled. His face lit up, “You mean I’m not the only one”! he exclaimed. “Nah there are lot’s of us English men here, like J only he’s not here yet, we’ll introduce you to him” Rich said. Thanks to Rich, Abs, and Sean we had a new fiend. After about 10 minutes of talking we became quite good friends with Scott, in fact he was really cool, kinda cute too. He had dark brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes I’d ever seen!


Piper and I walked through the hall to our next class since we had it together. “So what do you think of that guy, Scott”? I asked her. “I don’t know he’s cool” she said and smiled. “You like him don’t you” I said. “NO”! she screamed. “Wes will not be happy about this” I replied not even paying attention to the fact she said no. “Rich, I said I don’t like him”! She screamed. “Don’t like who”? Nicole asked coming up from behind us. “Piper likes Scott” I replied. Nicole’s mouth widened into a smile, “You do” she said. Piper put her hand over my mouth “No don’t listen to him” she replied. “You do so Piper”! she exclaimed. “No I don’t”! she yelled. “Oh yea you do, I got the hook-ups” Nicole said and ran off to find Scott, followed by Piper screaming ‘No Nicole, don’t’.


I stood at my locker as Nicole ran by screaming ‘I got the hook ups’ and Piper screaming ‘Nicole don’t’. They are so bizarre sometimes. Then J came over to me. “Yo J what’s up” I said. “Hey Brieanna” he replied. He was like the only one who called me Brieanna, everyone else called me Brie. “You heard about the dance”? he asked me. “Um…yep, I have” I replied. He paused for a moment. “So…are you going”? he asked. “I guess” I replied and slammed my locker door shut. “So…um…”he stuttered. “Well J I better get to class, see ya at lunch” I said and walked off. I know what he was trying to do, he was going to ask me to the dance, but I’m no fool I won’t go unless he asks me. Oh gosh if he doesn’t I’ll flip! He better ask me!


After trying desperately to find Scott I gave up and walked into class. I was late and the teacher glared at me as I walked in. “Bathroom” I said answering her before she could ask me where I was. “Nicole take a seat” the teacher told me. I spotted Scott in the back and ran over and sat next to him. “So Scott you going to the dance Friday” I asked him. He looked at me funny. “I’m Nicole from outside” I said. He still looked blank. “One of Piper’s friends” I said again. His face lit up, “Oh you’re Piper’s friend” He replied. “Well are you”? I asked again. “I didn’t even know there was a dance Friday” he stated. “Well now you do, so are you going”? I asked again. “I guess, who all is going”? He asked. “Um let’s see…Me, Brie, J, Abs, Rich, Sean, Karen, Wes, Amy and…” I started. He didn’t look much interested in the list. Then I smiled an evil smile, “Oh yeah…Piper is going too” I finished. His mouthed turned into a smile and he blushed a little. “Is she going with any one”? He asked. “She might go with this guy Matt…” I started. “Oh” he said quietly and hung his head down. “But she might not”! I said. His head lifted again and a smile crept across his face, “Cool” he replied.


I walked down the hall with Wes, he was cool in a awkward sort of way. He was actually really cute, he was just annoying. He had really black hair and brown eyes. “So Wes, what’s up”? I asked. “Nothing really” he replied. “Are you going to the dance”? I asked. “Sure why not” he replied quietly. Then Abs came running up from behind us, “Yo peeps”! He screamed. “Hey Abs” we said in together. “So what do you think of that guy Scott”? he asked us. “I think he’s cool, he seems…well I don’t know, he’s just cool” I replied. “Yeah I know he is like different or something” Abs stated. “Who that Scott boy, Eeww he’s so dumb” someone said from behind us. “Hey” I screamed. It was Scott himself! “Scott what are you doing, talking about yourself like that” I said while laughing. He laughed too. “So why are you out in the hall now”? I asked him. “Why are you out in the hall right now”? he asked me. “We’re using the bathroom, what are you doing” Wes said. “Oh well I got sent out” he stated. “Why”?! I asked. “I was…well I was kinda asleep and I guess I was having a dream.” He said making his eyes wide. “And I sort of talk in my sleep” he said. I wrinkled my nose at him, “EEWW gross”! I screamed and hit him. “It wasn’t bad god, all I did was say ‘ohhhhh’ or mumble or something like that” he stated holding his hands up. “Well who was this dream about” I asked being nosey. “None of your business” He stated and stuck his nose up in the air, while folding his arms. “Oh yeah and the teacher was like ‘when you walk out don’t look at anyone’ so I looked at every single kid in the class” he said and started laughing. “Well we need to go cause we’ve been out here like 40 hours”! I said and walked off.


I sat in Language Arts listening to Ms. Burcham talk about poetry. I pulled out a piece of paper and started scribbling down a note to Brie: Yo Brie wussup? Well I hate being in Ms. Burcham’s class, it’s too boring! So when are you getting switched into this class? Cuz you will hate her, but hey at least we’ll be in the same class! So do you like J? I know he likes you it’s just to obvious! You need to ask him to the dance! Ok well I’m about to leave so bye bye! CHIPMUNK! I re read the note then folded it up and put it in my pocket. “Who was that to”? Rich asked me. “Brie” I replied. “Hey Rich write me a note”! I said. “Ok” he smiled and took out a piece of paper and began writing. While I waited for Rich’s note I thought about some things…well actually I thought about someone…Scott.


I sat there writing to Piper when I glanced over in her direction. She had her eyes closed & her head on the desk. She couldn’t be asleep could she? Well I folded the note up and stuck it under her arm. Her eyes opened quickly. “Oh it’s only you Rich” she said in a sigh. I smiled and turned back to the front of the class. I looked over at Piper and saw her reading my note. She scribbled something down on the note and flicked it back to me. I opened it. Besides some little junk, this is what the main contains were: You heard about the dance Friday? Well who are you going with? Do you think Karen will go with me? Write Back, Rich! Ya Rich she probably would, you know she likes you! Just like every other girl at school! What a sweet girl that Piper is she made my self confidence shoot right up!


Brie and I sat in the corner of the class, we were being switched to Piper and Rich’s class, so we had to wait in the corner of the class until the teacher filled in the form thingy. Just then Ms. Frank came in followed by that boy from this morning called Scott. “Here take this one as well” She stated and pushed Scott forward. Scott smiled a cheeky grin and walked over to us. He started whispering to Brieanna then she’d whisper back. “You go out”? I asked them. “Yuck no”! they screamed. “Children, hush”! Ms. Green scolded us. We all laughed a little. “God I’ll be so glad to have you out of my hair”! She mumbled. “What little hair you have” Scott said under his breath. Brie bit her lip to stop laughing. I covered my mouth to stop. She gave us our forms and the passes to Ms. Burcham’s class. “So who all is in this class with us”? Scott asked. “Rich and Piper” Brie replied and gave him a nudge when she said Piper. His eyes widened and he got this little smile on his face. We burst out laughing. “Hey when a man’s in love it’s not funny” he stated and started laughing too.


I sat there still in Language Arts. Then there was a knock on the door, and Brie, Abs, and Scott came walking into the classroom. “Hey you all must be the new students for me” The teacher stated. They nodded. “Here there are two seats behind Claire and one beside Piper” She said. Scott slammed his books down on the desk beside me and took his seat next to me. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. “Oooo” Abs said in a girlie voice and Brie slapped him and sat down near Claire. About 10 minutes later me and Scott had already started talking. “So where in England did you move here from”? I asked him. “Essex” he replied. “Piper and Scott shhh” Ms. Burcham screamed. But we keep talking. “Alright both of you will stay after for 20 minutes”! She yelled. “But”! We screamed. “Enough”! She screamed and went on about something. Me and Scott started pouting. The bell rung and everyone but Scott and I got to leave. Ms. Burcham waddled over to her desk and sat down. “Ms. Burcham you have a phone call in the office please come to get it” The intercom blurted out. “Behave” she said and walked out the door. “So, we have 15 minutes left to spend time together” Scott stated. “Ok”? I said and gave him a funny look. “I was just kidding” He said. “I know” I replied. “So how do you like this crap school so far”? I asked. “I hated it at first but now it’s kind of cool” He said. “Well I have to write Abs a note” I said and pulled out some paper. “You and Abs go out”? he asked worriedly. “No, he wants to know if he should get his head shaved or not, so I’m telling him he should, he’d look so cute with a shaved head” I said. He stood up and hovered over me for a minute. “What” I said and looked up at him. “Nothing, you just have pretty hands” he stated. “Yeah, ok whatever” I said and started laughing. “No I’m serious you do” He said and got a serious look on his face. He got really close to my face, like he was going to kiss me. “Um Scott” I started. “Shhh” he said and put his fingers on my lips. “Did you hear that”? he asked looking around. “Mear quwat” I mumbled. “Huh”? he asked looking at me funny. I pushed his hand away from my lips, “I said ‘Hear what” I stated. Then there was a thump. “Ahhh”!! I screeched and clung onto him. “Well you’re moving awfully fast, I mean hey I just met you and all” he said and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Well uh, your arms sure seem to be comfy there” I said and looked at his arms around my waist. He looked down and blushed. Then the bell rang for us to leave. “Well I guess we can go now, you can let go” I said. He looked me in the eyes. Then I let go and began walking off. “Oh hell” He said and spun me around and kissed me right there!


Piper pushed me back into the wall as I jerked my eyes open. “Scott”! She screamed. “Sorry” I said hanging my head down. “Scott, um…Robertson” she started. “Robinson” I said quietly. “Robinson, whatever! How could you!? I do have a boyfriend you know”! She screeched. “What!? A boyfriend! But you were totally flirting with me”! I screamed. “Flirting!? I was not”! She screamed back. “You were so”! I yelled. There was a small pause. “Ok, so I was, but look at you! You are fine…and plus you were flirting with me too”! She said. “Hell yeah I was flirting with you, you are fine too” I stated. “Ok, ok we both were flirting, but let’s just not tell anyone about the kiss, ok”? She said. I was a little hurt but I agreed. She started to walk away when I grabbed her arm. “Piper, who is it exactly that you go out with”? I asked. “Matt why”? She answered. “Well, I’d been talking to some of your friends and I think they know I like you, but they never said anything about Matt” I stated. “Really”? she said. “Uh huh” I replied. She looked at me funny, then mumbled something and walked off. We totally ditched Mrs. Burcham and went to lunch after our little kiss. I slowly walked down the hall dragging my backpack. It was really heavy and I wished I had a locker so I didn’t have to carry it, but since I was new I wasn’t assigned one yet. “Hey…Scott, right”? Someone asked from behind me. I turned to face some boy I didn’t know. He looked a little like me only he was a little shorter and his hair was buzzed. “Um…sorry I don’t know you” I stated. “Ya I know sorry, you were in Ms. Green’s class for like 5 minutes and I heard your name, I’m Matt” he said and stuck out his hand. Everything seemed to zoom in on him and my mouth dropped. Then I dropped my book and it snapped me out of my daze or whatever. “Oh sorry” I said slowly and finally shook his hand. “I’m Scott” I said even though he knew it was me. “Ya I know, so where’re you from”? he asked. I looked at him blankly. “You can’t tell…you know with the accent and all” I stated. “Ya well actually I knew I was just asking to be nice” he replied. “Oh sorry” I said. It was weird he was being so nice to me and all I could see when I looked at him was Piper and I kissing again. It keep running through my mind but each time it’d get better, and each time it’d get ‘ruder’ until finally it was just like we were…you know, then Matt had to go and ruin it, “So do you know Piper”? He asked. At the mention of her name all my thoughts drifted off. “Yeah” I said as my voice cracked. I felt weird when I said ‘yeah’ like that, like I was scared he might find out or something. He looked at me funny too, “Right, ok whatever we better go to lunch or we’ll be hungry all day c’mon” He said and walked to the lunchroom.


I sat at the lunch table talking with everyone. “Where is Piper”? J asked. “She and that new boy Scott got in trouble and had to stay after” I replied. “Oh here she comes” Abs stated. She bent down next to Abs and whispered something to him. “You really think so”? he asked. She nodded. “If you say so, I do love your opinion” Abs said cheerily. “Brie bathroom now” she stated and pulled me up with her. We walked into the bathroom and she locked the door behind her. She looked under all the stalls except the one on the end because know one goes in it because it stinks. “Ok let’s talk” she said. “It must be important for you dragging me in here” I snapped. “Oh it is” she said dragging the ‘oh’. “Ok then spill” I said. She told me all about this kiss she had with Scott in the classroom and how she had yelled at him. “Oh wow”! I exclaimed. “So did you fell anything between you and him”? I asked. “Well…” she said softly. “He is fine! And I really, really think he is cute, and he’s so sweet too” She said excitedly. Then what we heard next made us freeze. The toilet flushed and Piper’s eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped. Out walked Brittany the snootiest, bitchiest, most stuck up girl in school, Brittany Spears. Every girl except her suck up friends hated her. She was the girl every guy liked. And she was the biggest blabber mouth to top it off. Piper slowly turned to face her. “Well, well, well, someone ‘s kissing other guys than her boyfriend” Brittany stated. “Yeah like you haven’t”! Piper snapped. “How can you accuse me of that”! Brittany said sarcastically. “Cuz you’re a slut” Piper replied. “Oh yea well I’m rubber and you’re glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you” she said in a little kids voice. “Don’t tell him please Brittany”! Piper pleaded. “Hmph, we’ll see” She said and began to walk out the door. “Oh Brittany, it seems you were wrong…um well everything seems to um…well let’s put it this way ‘Stick to you” She said and we both burst out laughing. She looked down at her shoe where the wrapper of a pad stuck to her shoe. “EEWWW GROSS”! She screamed and flung it off her shoe.


“Hey guys” I said walking into class. Last block was my favorite class because I was with all my friends. Everyone was in that class with me. Even the new kid Scott. He’d keep on looking over at Piper and then he’d turn back and kind of sigh. It was also my favorite subject, Science. Mr. Haskett was the teacher and he never got mad at anything you did. “Class this is a piece of real coal from the Earth, it’s probably about 30 million years old, you’ve never touched anything that old before. “The oldest thing I’ve ever touched is my grandpa” Erin, another girl in our class said. Everyone started laughing. We went about with other work stuff and the bell finally rang. I waited at the door for Brieanna. She was walking out with Piper and Scott. “Hey Brie, hey Piper hey Scott” I said. “Hi J” Piper said, Brieanna had stopped and was now talking to Matt. O. Not the Matt Piper went out with, another geeky dumb ugly stupid one. We called him Matt. O. Finally Brieanna walked away from him and joined us. “So is everyone still on for the movies tonight”? I asked as we were walking down the hall. “Oh Scott you can come to if you want” I asked. “Yeah sure, I’ll go” He replied. Piper looked uneasy. “Well if can go, can Matt, my Matt come”? She stated. Then Scott looked uneasy. “I guess, it’s just I don’t really like him and all” I said. “I know…nevermind” She said quietly. Scott then perked up again. But Piper seemed to look disappointed. “Ok fine he can go” I gave in. “Oh J you’re the best”! She screamed and hugged me. Brieanna, and Matt. O walked over to us. “So Brie you still on for the movies tonight”? I asked. “Oh…um, well something came up” She said looking at Matt. O. ‘Oh no’ I thought.


I got home and ran to my room. I picked up the phone and dialed Matt’s number. He picked up, “Hello” he asked. “Hey Matt, you want to go to the movies tonight”? I asked. “Yeah sure” he said. “Ok alright bye” I said and hung up. As soon as I put the phone down it began ringing again. “Hello” I said picking it up. “Yo Piper” Abs blurted into the phone. “Ya” I said. “You picking me up tonight”? he asked. “How about you just come over here now” I stated. “Ok see you in a minute” I replied. Abs only lived 2 houses down from me, so when ever we went places we always rode together. “Oh, oh wait a minute” He screamed. “What” I said. “That new boy Scott lives like right next door to me” he said. “Oh” I said faintly. “So he’s gonna be coming too, that ok”? Abs asked. “Is he over at your house right now”? I asked. “Yeah why”? he said. “Fine, just hurry up” I said and hung up. I checked around my room and put my hair up and checked my make up. “Why am I doing this, I don’t want to impress Scott, definitely not Abs” I said aloud. So I took my hair down and through my clothes back on the floor. ‘DING DONG’ went the doorbell, so I went downstairs to get it. It was Abs and Scott standing there at the door smiling. “Hey” I said. They walked in and I sat down on the sofa. “Sooo what are we going to do while we wait for 7:00 to come around” Abs asked as he plopped onto my lap. “Ugh, get off” I screamed and rolled over so he’d fall off. Apparently I rolled to hard and he flew off the couch and landed on the floor on his back. “Owe god” Abs mumbled and sat up. While Me and Scott were busting out laughing. “Shut up” Abs said but he started laughing also. “Ok this is boring” I said after we stopped laughing. “Let’s play truth or dare” Abs suggested. “Oh yeah that’ll be real exciting with only 3 people” Scott complained. “Hey I know I’ll call up Nicole she lives like 5 houses away” I said and grabbed the phone. “Nicole…yeah…really…ok well come over here…ok yeah, ok bye” I said and hung up. “She’ll be over in like 10 minutes” I said. So we sat around until Nicole got here. “You finally here Bitch” I joked. “Whatever” she said and we all sat on the sofa. “Who goes first”? Scott asked. We all looked around. “I’ll go first” I said. “Ok I pick…NICOLE”! I said. She stuck her tongue out at me. “Truth or dare” I said. “Truth, no…dare” she said. “Ok I dare you to…kiss Abs”! I screamed. “NO”! she cried. “You have to, come on just do it” Scott said. “I’m going to get you Piper” she said. Abs looked at her and shrugged his shoulders and they kissed. “Oh my gosh! How cute”! I screamed. “Ok then I pick Piper” Nicole said. “Nuh uh, you can’t pick me I just picked you”! I stated. “Too bad” she said. “T or D”. “Truth” I said. “No you pick dare, truth sucks” She cried. “Ok fine, I’ll pick dare” I said unhappily. She thought for a long time. “Ok I dare you to trade shirts with…Scott” she said. “In the closet”. “WHAT”! I shrieked. “You have too” Abs said. I looked over at Scott and he looked back. “Ok let’s get this over with” I sighed and pulled him into the closet. I pulled off my Blue Adidas shirt and threw it at him. “There” I said. He starred at me. “Uh”! I cried and covered myself up. He smiled and shrugged his shoulders and took off his black ‘Tommy’ shirt and handed it to me. I looked at him for a while. He was skinny, but built. “You got a six pack”! I cried. He looked down at his stomach and smiled, “Yeah” he replied. I smiled. “Look I’m sorry I went off on you today, I was just…frustrated” I sighed. “It’s ok, I shouldn’t have…well you know you were there” he said. I smiled. We looked at each other for a long time and we slowly got closer together. Then we heard a loud banging on the door. “If you two are making out in there Matt’s not going to be happy”! Nicole screamed. I pulled his shirt over my head and he put mine on and we walked out. “Ta-da”! we cried and modeled around for them, it was so funny seeing him in my shirt.


‘DING DONG’ went Piper’s door bell. Everyone decided to meet at her house and just walk to the theater, because she lived a little ways from it. I heard loud footsteps and the door swung open and Abs’s head popped out. “Hey man, come in” Abs said. “WAIT”! We heard someone yell from behind us as Matt came trotting up. “Hey” he said catching his breath. We walked in, and found Piper, Nicole and Scott rolling on the floor laughing. “Hey Piper” Matt said. She looked up, “Oh hey Matt” she said still laughing. Matt and I looked at Piper then at Scott and back at Piper. “Ok why are you two wearing each other’s shirts”? I finally asked. Piper and Scott looked at each other and busted out laughing. Matt looked really confused. Nicole was even laughing, but that wasn’t surprising she laughed at everything. “Why are you wearing each other’s shirts”! Matt screamed. They stopped in the middle of laughing. “God Matt it was just a dare” Piper snapped. “Did he see you change”? He asked. Piper swallowed hard, “No” she said. “But…” Scott began then Piper gave him a look and he shut up. “Oh…ok then, who are we waiting on”? He asked. “Um… I think Wes, Rich, Claire, Karen and Sean” Nicole replied. We hung around there a little longer until Karen, Rich, Sean, Claire and Wes showed up. “Ok let’s go” Scott said getting up off the floor. “Wait let me leave a note for when my brother gets home” Piper called from the kitchen and came out with a piece of paper. She scribbled down something and left it on the table by the door. “Ok let’s go” She said. We all walked out the door and down the road.


“NO, I wanted popcorn”! Nicole screamed at J. “Well you said you wanted those gummy bears” J whined. “No I said I wanted the gummy bears” Piper said sitting on Matt’s lap. “Oh…well here take them” J cried and threw them at her. “Hey”! She said. “Ok now I want a popcorn” J told the guy behind the counter. "Oh yeah get me a Coke before i die of thirst"! Claire screamed Meanwhile I was talking with Ritchie and Sean. “God they are so annoying” I sighed. “I know, the only sane one’s here are you Sean and I” Rich said. Scott and Abs were throwing popcorn at each other while J, Nicole, and Piper were arguing over food. And Wes…well where was Wes? “Hey where’s Wes”? I asked. “Over there…with Brittany” Sean said pointing in his direction. “Oh my gosh, he’s with her”! I screamed. He started walking our way followed by Brittany. Piper turned to see Brittany, and she got pale. “Hey guys, you wouldn’t mind if Britt joined us would you”? He asked. “Um…I guess” we replied. “Great” he stated. Brittany gave Piper a weird look like ‘I’m gonna tell a secret’ or something. Piper looked pissed. “Ok well let’s get to the movie” Scott said pulling Piper up. We all walked into the theater and took our seats. I sat on the end, Rich by me, then Sean, Wes, Brittany, Matt, Piper, Scott, Abs, Nicole, and J at the other end. We were watching the movie ‘The House on Haunted Hill’ The movie was pretty good, it was scary too! I have to admit I grabbed Rich’s arm a couple times. But he didn’t seem to mind. I noticed Brittany whisper something to Matt, and they both got up and walked out. But Piper was so into the movie she didn’t even know. “Psst, Piper” I whispered. She looked in my direction “What”? she hissed. Matt and Brittany just walked out of the movies together” I replied. She looked to the other side of her, he wasn’t there. Her eyes got big and she grabbed Abs’s hand and pulled him out with her. Scott looked around and followed them.


“Piper, what are you doing”?! I cried once we got out of the theater. Scott trailed behind us. “What’s up”? he asked cautiously. “Shh”! Piper whispered and pulled me and Scott into the storage room where we watched Brittany and Matt out of the small window. She was talking to him about something, when they moved closer together and…KISSED! Piper just about lost it she stormed out of that storage room and got up in Brittany’s face. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, what the HELL do you think you’re doing”! she screamed dragging out the second ‘hell’. “Piper…I…uh…um” Matt stuttered. “Matt shut up I don’t want anything to do with you anymore, nothing”! She snapped and I could see tears coming to her eyes. “Brittany, now I have nothing to fear from you” Piper said. She turned to Matt, “I kissed Scott in the classroom…and I liked it”! She stated and grabbed Scott’s face and once again kissed him long and hard. Me and Matt’s eyes almost popped out. “Piper”! Matt cried. “Matt” Brittany said. “Yeah Scott”! I cried “Abs” Matt screamed and Piper pulled her lips from Scott’s looked at Matt and I, then at Brittany, then at Scott smiled at him and turned and walked down the hallway and back to the lobby. Matt stood there looking shocked. The same with Scott. I probably looked the same to but Brittany looked pissed off. “Um…Yeah, well I’ll go get Piper” I finally said. “I’ll go too” Scott said. We left Matt and Brittany standing there looking weird and went to find Piper.


I looked out of the corner of my eye and I could see Abs giving me these weird looks. “What”? I said. “You kissed Piper…when”? He asked. “Today when we had to stay after” I replied. He nodded a little. We searched for a while then I spoke again. “It’s weird…so much has happened today” I said. “Yeah, defiantly more than usual around here” He replied. We laughed a little before we spotted her sitting on the curb."Hey" Abs said sitting down next to her. I sat on the other side of her. "Should I have been that mean to him"? She asked looking up at the stars. "You could've been meaner or nicer either way I know you two would've broken up" Abs stated. "What did he do when I walked away"? she asked. "Just stand there like 'oh my god'" I said. She smiled a little. "Good, he deserved it" she said and smiled then her smile faded "But what if Brittany kissed him and he didn't want to kiss her back" She said quietly. "Ok, damn just break it off with him and go for me"! I cried. Piper and Abs both looked at me with weird expressions on their faces. Piper's lips twisted into a smile then she burst out laughing. She had a weird laugh too. But she keep going, just laughing her head off. "Your laugh is really annoying" I said. Then she just laughed even harder. "Ok I can't take it anymore" I said and pinned her down and kissed her. When I stopped Abs was all looking at us funny. "Ok Abs go away" I said. He laughed and walked back into the theater.


Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
