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Area 52...

Ay yo, wusup all my homeboyz?! How ya like my lil masterpiece so far? Itz hot, isnt it? lol. Well, i worked hard to get this far, so please take ur time and hang. Try and use all the great features here at Area 52! If you can, plase visit my affiliates so i can get money. Please dont jus go there, use my link, cause everytime some1 uses it i get 40 cents! i no it seems like nuttin, but if i get 20 ppl a day to use it, i will make an easy 8 dollars a day! lol. Well, ill update every1 with email, only if ur on my mailing list SIGN UP AT MY FRONT PAGE! well, i gotta life, im not like those geeky website programmers, so i gotta go. CYAZ!