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~~*Julie's Dreams*~~

This site is being updated. A few days ago I made a new home page. Soon there will be a new link for the main home page. I can't believe how many hits my website has been getting. It is unbelievable.
Hello TB, Matt, & Karo(savannah). Got nothing better to do than check up on me and my website huh?
Phazed_0ut 4 Discussion God Gender: Posts: 950 So knock me off my feet Come on now give it to me Re:Double standards... « Reply #58 on: August 15, 2004, 01:07:04 AM » -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote from: Savannah on August 14, 2004, 01:49:34 PM Quote from: jules_21353 on August 14, 2004, 11:22:08 AM Quote from: Savannah on August 14, 2004, 10:56:57 AM Yes, "dancing" is usually on a Saturday night. Not dances, unless you're in a retirement home. Possibly that is where you are and the reason for such a comment. Maybe bingo for you. Last time I Played bingo was as a kid. Also, Saturday nights are for dates as in couples, but Friday nights are for just having fun with friends. Hanging out. Chatting. Catching up. Laughing. Are you familiar with...laughing? I'm trying to bring you up to date since you have probably been out of the scene for so long. Maybe you were never in the scene though. But, do not take only my word. There are others who could bring you up to date. Just ask Matt. Her fun, party life, I am certain, is much more proactive than yours. Now, TB...there is a party animal. We talk and believe me I can tell you that yours probably in no uncertain terms could equal hers. That woman is something else. Party, party, party. I could not keep up with her. Remember, she does have that Nevada connection????? Are we supposed to care about TB's, Matt's and your social life, Karo?? I'm sure at your age, the hangovers hurt a lot more than they used to, huh?? There are women like you in every bar in flys looking for a man to pick up. Good luck, honey. You'll do fine as long as you don't open your mouth. Maybe some guy will be drunk enough to take you home. Well, I know you would like to paint me as some old broad hanging out in bars by myself, but frankly I do not believe I have been in a bar by myself more than one or two times and that was many, many years ago. Nope, no need to do that. Have many friends. Not what you would like to portray either. If you only knew? But, you do not and will not. As for my age, almost everyone who meets me and knows my "real" age says I look fantastic for my age. But that is not the case, is it, Jules. Have no idea why you hate me so much except that I hate stupid Bush. Stupid is as Stupid and Bush. Are you a happy person? That would be interesting to know. I am. Am I complete? Well, currently I am, but time changes everything, huh? You and Liz have some kind of agenda here. Have no idea what it is. Well, then there is crazy antivirus. She is as crazy as they come. Who knows what her agenda is but I can only guess. You people know nothing about me except for my political beliefs and you know what those are. You hate me because I have them. If there is anything else you could remotely know about me I know where you got it and believe me, it is not the truth. No way near. Not the truth at all. That person would have to be a truthful person in order to be able to present the truth. Only thing I can figure out is that you need to boost your own ego, which must be in the toilet, in trying to undermine me. So, we it. As Charlotte said, frankly my dear I don't give a damn. Now, go on your merry way (if it is indeed that). I notice the question was to Karo and you answered her question, so this just proves that you really are Karo. Don't go trying to deny that again, it makes you look even less credible than you already are. Report to moderator Logged -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'll try being nicer, if you'll try being smarter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People, like you, who think they know everything are particularly irritating to those of us who do.

Check out the pics, I'm sure everyone will enjoy them. Have a good day.

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Monday August 9, 2004, 12:55 AM