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Ashley's Home Page

Things to do/see here:

Pictures of Me
Pictures Of My Pets
Pictures Of My Friends
All About Me
My Family
Edgefest 2001 pictures
comical ALCOHOL warnings
Tank Pictures~ For My Dad
Rules Guys Wish Girls Knew
Revised Sayings
Harsh Things To Say To A Naked Guy
Hilarious Baby Pictures!!
My trip to Canada's Wonderland and the CNE
My trip to the Toronto Zoo
When I had Baby Think It Over!! (Computerized baby)
The Funny Pages (Humorous Picutres)
Take my Quiz on!">


This page is dedicated to my dog, Havoc, who died on Febuary 7th, 2002. He was 2 1/2 years old, and we miss him sooo much!

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This little guy is my guard dog. Don't let his innocent little face fool you!

Hey everyone!! I finally got a job!! I'm saving up for a trip to Africa! Not sure if it'll be next year, or next next year...

And I noticed when I was on my friends computer, the images on the screen when my page loaded , were all over the place. So depending on yur computer, my page might look messy. Sorry! Please sign my guest book. Talk to me on ICQ, my number is #43505133

I got my old guestbook working! ...But I deleted my new one... so some entries are gone.Oh well! Sign my guest/spirit book pleeease!! Adios!

Sign My Spiritbook Guestbook View My Spiritbook

Wednesday, December 4th, 2002

Take my Quiz on!
