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Ani's Page!

This is my webpage, it's got new stuff, so check everything out, sign my guestbook!! This is all in HTML so if it's not great I'm trying very hard, so give me some slack. And I don't know how to do html, I learn as I go....

Facts About Me

  • Announcing: Eleutherios Llewellyn Williams
  • Born August 22, 2002 at 9:02 PM
  • Weighing 8 lbs. 19 &1/2 inches long

    My Son!

    Here's me and my precious son. I'm sooo in love!!!

    Click here to find out what size you really are

  • Take the penis test! I did, I'm LOOONNNGGG

    Click my Links

    Elu's newest picture!
    Pictures of My Son!
    More Pics with my son
    My Pics
    More Pics
    My Latest Baby Info
    Thuy's Page
    Mikey's Page
    Shawn's Page (my Hunny)

    Email Me