Another Company I Was Leased On To - Page 6
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Page 6

Another Company I Was Leased On To

Yes, I'm a Flat Bedder and that's what I get paid the big bucks for!

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Job Discription

I run all 48 States and haul everything from machinery coils, vehicles, vessels, lumber, pipe and you just name it. If it fits on a flat bed trailer, I'll haul it. I felt very blessed at times with this particular company when I was leased on to them, as I got to travel to places I didn't normally get to go to very often with other companies I'd pulled for. For example: The beautiful Red Woods, the North Country, the Rocky Mountains of Western Canada and the US. I hauled a lot of lumber out of the Red Woods to Stienback, Manitoba, Canada. I always got to see my sister on regular bases at that time, because she lives in Brandon, Manitoba. The thing I guess I really enjoyed the most with this company was they could really stretch me out. I mean I ran everywhere, from one corner of the Nation to the other. The thing that’s nice about that is I get to keep in touch with all my friends face to face, rather then over the phone, letter, post cards etc. I kind of miss getting out to Alberta too, but I guess I can’t have everything! Now that I run my own authority, if I really want to go some place, I just negotiate a load going there.

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Taken in Mississippi

There is just something that has always intrigued me about Mississippi. Maybe it is from the early movies I used to watch with Humphrey Bogard, I don’t know. Anyhow I had to stop my rig and take this picture. If you look just to the right of my tractor in this picture you will see a Mississippi River Boat docked there. On the flat bed trailer I’m hauling two large valves of some sort I brought down from up North going to a water treatment plant, I think it was in Louisiana. I’m not too sure now. Once I deliver a load I forget about it, I guess that’s how I kept my sanity over all these years.

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Hauling Machinery too!

This picture was taken somewhere in the prairies I think. The shadow you see there is me taking the picture, I got out to take a picture of the skyline or something and to stretch my legs at the same time. The reason I think it was the prairies is that it looks pretty flat and desolate and I’m off to the side of the road. One thing about Canadians, they don’t know the word rest area, so that’s what you do in Canada, is just get off to the side of the road. This by the way is a very dangerous thing to be doing in my mind, but that’s the Canadians for you, they could care less about the safety of others. By the way did you happen to notice the white paint on the trailer wheels? That is so when those trailers are running in the snow or worse yet ice, the driver can look in his mirrors at those wheels to see if they are turning and or froze up. As some times in cold weather they will freeze to the drums and then you wind up dragging them causing some real major tire damage.