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I pulled pneumatic tankers with this company.

This was a good company to work for at times, just like everything else in life though and you know how that goes.

Job Description

To this day I remember this outfit to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and experience for me. I felt very blessed at times on this one particular dedicated run. The one I’m referring to is the Quebec run. Now I am here to tell you that is the most beautiful county I have ever seen. I mean that gorgeous State of Vermont. If you ever have a chance to travel through there from the top to the bottom travelling by way of highway number 91 check it out. I've ran all over the country, I mean everywhere and there are some very beautiful places in our great nation, but I’m here to tell you this one really stands out and sticks in my mind.

This is Vermont

I have just recently found a great site about Vermont, so if you're interested in seeing more pictures, or just learning more about this magnificent State, I'll include a link to it below and all you have to do is click on it. Then you'll get a little bit of an idea why I love this State. It is just so incredibly breathtakingly beautiful and its beauty changes moment by moment depending on if it is raining, snowing and or even the way the sun warms the countryside and reflects its light and shadows. Just imagine for a moment breaking over the top of a hill and looking out as far as your eye can see at a dream world of naturally painted brilliant beauty, painted by the Master himself. While gazing around in awe at times especially in the early morning you can see a type of fog, I’m not sure what it is hugging the low-lying areas adding a sense of mystery along with the splendor of it all. At times I felt like I was in a dream world, or even heaven. Now add a little background music to that scene like the other master, Bach and now the picture is complete. At times I felt as though I could reach over and touch my creator while traveling through that State. I suppose you've figured out by now I sure do love this country, and this picture and the site I'm leaving the link to is just a taste of it’s magnificence.

Click Here For More On Vermont

Would I Do It Again

I would do that run again in a moments notice even if it was just to have the pleasure of going through that country again and the bonus is that I got paid for it too. Needless to say I'm forever watching for a load going that way, so I can negotiate the pay scale on it. Another thing about that country was, at times I could talk for 50 miles on the CB radio to other base stations around the country, because of the way some of their antennas were situated high up on some of the hills or mountains of that gorgeous State.