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In the Shadow of Spicy Spoo


One table is occupied by a group of Drazi with purple scarves on. Kosh, with an apron tied around his encounter suit, is waiting on tables. Sheridan and Delenn, dressed for a formal evening out, enter.

Sheridan: You sit here, dear.

Delenn: All right.

Sheridan: Evening!

Kosh: Evening!

Sheridan: Well, what've you got?

Kosh: Well, there's flarn and breen; flarn, spicy flarn and breen; flarn and spoo; flarn breen and spoo; flarn breen spicy flarn and spoo; spoo breen spicy flarn and spoo; spoo flarn spoo spoo breen and spoo; spoo spicy flarn spoo spoo breen spoo tomato and spoo...

Drazi: (starting to chant): Spoo spoo spoo spoo...

Kosh: ...spoo spoo spoo flarn and spoo; spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo bagna cauda spoo spoo and spoo...

Drazi (singing): Spoo! Lovely spoo! Lovely spoo!

Kosh: ...or Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top and spoo.

Delenn: Have you got anything without spoo?

Kosh: Well, there's spoo flarn spicy flarn and spoo, that's not got much spoo in it.

Delenn: I don't want any spoo!

Sheridan: Why can't she have flarn breen spoo and spicy flarn?

Delenn: That's got spoo in it!

Sheridan: Hasn't got as much spoo in it as spoo flarn spicy flarn and spoo, has it?

Drazi: Spoo spoo spoo spoo (crescendo through next few lines)

Delenn: Could you do the flarn breen spoo and spicy flarn without the spoo then?

Waitress: Flarn breen spoo and spicy flarn without the spoo? Urgghh!

Delenn: What do you mean, Urgh? I don't like spoo!

Drazi: Lovely spoo! Wonderful spoo!

Kosh: Shut up!

Drazi: Lovely spoo! Wonderful spoo!

Kosh: Shut up! (Drazi stop) Bloody Drazi! If you have flarn breen spoo and spicy flarn without the spoo, you will die.

Delenn (shrieks): I don't like spoo!

Sheridan: Sshh, dear, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your spoo. I love it. I'm having spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo bagna cauda spoo spoo spoo and spoo!

Drazi (singing): Spoo spoo spoo spoo. Lovely spoo! Wonderful spoo!

Kosh: Shut up!! Bagna cauda's off.

Sheridan: Well could I have spoo instead of the bagna cauda then?

Kosh: You mean spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo spoo...

Drazi (singing elaborately): Spoo spoo spoo spoo. Lovely spoo! Wonderful spoo! Spoo spo-oo-o-o-ooo-oo spoo spoo-oo-oo-o-o-ooo spoo. Lovely spoo! Lovely spoo! Lovely spoo! Lovely spoo! Lovely spoo! Spoo spoo spoo spoooo!

Ask Dr. Vorla

Londo Mollari goes Quantity Surveying, pt. 1

Londo Mollari goes Quantity Surveying, pt. 2

Final Ep

It was the Beginning of a Spoo Age



© 1998, 1999.
Most recent update: Feb. 18, 1999
Fasten, then zip. Keep hands and feet inside the Zarg at all times.