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All the world's a stage

If you grew up in the 70's or early 80's you know that rock was so popular, they now call it "classic". Yesterday I went to a concert featuring 4 of the most popular bands from back then. I noticed something highly strange: Out of thousands of people only a handful would get up out of their seats & participate in celebrating, especially when you compare it to the highly charged party atmosphere when these groups first came on the scene.
In examining this situation, I came to believe it was more than just the fact that everyone there just got older or had heard the songs before so there was less of a thrill. What had happened was, everyone back then would spend hours focussed on the latest band and was consumed with either playing or listening to their songs. It was almost a new religion to them. They would listen to the same songs every day faithfully. They were sold out to their music! But nowadays their hearts are so divided with multiple responsibilities, they have little room in their hearts to devote that kind of enthusiasm. Therefore, their expression is very tame and in some ways undetectable.

The next day while in church I began to understand that this same dilemma has entered the church in relation to our worship. What used to be a fresh ecstatic devotion to God has now become a watered down response to Him. Why? Because some people use every day to prepare their hearts for the Lord, so that on Sunday they can enter in to full expression of worship. The others have had their hearts divided through the week and they come to church thinking that Sunday, someone will help their heart get prepared right then! But this is backwards from how our religion should be.It should be more of a love affair, and the song for your Lord should not end after church. In fact, we are always carrying around some song in our hearts, and we get to decide if it is going to be the blues or if it is going to be an anthem.

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