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your defining moment

Faith implies helplessness. If you had a complicated business matter to transact you would want an expert in that subject matter to take care of it. The same need is there in our complicated lives. We can delegate our authority to the Agency of God. But if He is God, doesn't He already have the authority? Not automatically. In this world you are required to sign a document and have it witness by a notary public in order to legally delegate authority in certain matters. With God you also must consent; Otherwerwise are you not lord of your own affairs? It is like signing the power of attorney of your life over to someone else who can handle it. Usually when we complain to or ask God "Why?" about some matter, we forget we didn't yield control to Him at the start; we just supposed He would handle our leftovers. The great hindrance to faith is self-effort. So long as you have your own wisdom, thoughts, & strength, you cannot fully trust God. For until you come to the end of yourself you cannot begin to know Him. When you believe He is all you need, that will be your defining moment. The chief enemy of His Lordship is not the devil or blatant sinful acts, but self and our insistance to rely on our own resources.
This fact is usually met with the objection that we are not being reasonable or responsible to use the common sense that God gave us. But why use it as we see fit and neglect the guidance of our Creator? It is only because of pride- the very thing that God came to deliver us from, that we have not surrendered all. We have met the enemy and He is us.

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