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Can't get no Satisfaction?

Hebrews 13:5
"Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with what you have. For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you'.
Making time to know God as our sufficiency leads to contentment. Neglect of taking this opportunity automatically will lead to thoughts wandering about how we wish we can rearrange our circumstances differently. The best set of circumstances won't take the place of cultivating faith and loving God. But making sure we take time to experience His sufficiency to fill our hearts & minds will make us feel able to live in any circumstance, even though not pleasing.And it guards you from discontentment. It protects you from coveting more. It shields you from temptation. Don't allow your heart to dull with the routine of life by missing your time with God. Time spent with Him willl transform your outlook and even the routine will seem full. He said He came that you may have life more abundantly (John 10:10). Abundance is found in Him, in His company- not outside of it.The heart that seeks things outside of Him is covetous and discontent. If your life is restless, trace your steps back to whether or not you obeyed this truth. For His comfort awaits you!

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