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Earth, Wind, & Fire

The work of the Spirit has been likened to wind and fire. But there is another thing called EARTH that God uses as a travelling ground to bring us to His likeness. Some think their whole personality will change when they get to heaven. But it is not heaven that God chooses to transform us. Romans 12 shows He chooses for us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (while on earth). God's recipe for transformation isn't heaven, it's earth. He doesn't use eternity to change our character. We allow God to change us now to prepare us for eternity. If we let God cultivate our lives, He imparts His character in us. Some downplay the necessity of this, believing they can skip the process if they don't agree with the circumstances. They would rather avoid a process and accept a quantum leap into glory. This shortsightedness cheats one of becoming like God's Son who endured to receive His reward. Oh, we want to be like Him, but when He uses things that displease us to accomplish this goal, we quickly abort the procedure. It is like trying to bake a cake without including all the ingredients. Even worse, we then insult God's chosen methods with lenghthly complaints and questions of why He's letting us go through this whole ordeal.....BECAUSE WE ASKED HIM TO MAKE US LIKE HIM! BECAUSE WE ASKED HIM TO LEAD US! AND BECAUSE HE IS COMMITTED TO FINISH THE WORK HE BEGUN IN US!!!
When we get to heaven, we will be COMPLETE and there will be no need for transformation. But there is a difference between being complete and being transformed. It is the world of difference between heaven & earth.

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