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"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you can prove what is good and acceptable, and the will of God". -Romans 12:2
The neglect of mind renewal means the world is conditioning us. When we grow up in our culture and allow ourselves to be shaped by the environment around us, it is not that every aspect of it is evil, but earthly. Culture is man's darkened understanding communicating itself outwardly. As time goes on and things worsen, one may realize that it is all the result of feeding from the tree of knowledge of good and evil(as it began in Eden)- or sadly, they may never realize it at all. In the latter case, they will use all their resources neccessary to justify their way(which is a chief evil also resulting from the fall of man). The magnitude of this deception is that it beguiles you into using your own means to seek "freedom" while the whole time you are running fast from it.

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