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Verge of a Miracle

Where are you on God's timeline? At one time in my life I had what appeared as a multitude of simultaneous uncertainties. Yet, I've never felt more secure than now. You may think you are in a crisis; But it doesn't look that way to God! Through different examples, God focused my attention on a certain point in my life. Then He showed me where I was now. He told me that in His timeline I am right on schedule. He is the same at all points in time! Then He told me I was going from glory to glory! This is an important lesson in security. If you feel like you are in the fiery furnace of life, there is a 4th man in the fire. It is the Lord. And you are more secure in the fire with Him than if you were out of the fire without Him.
If you are in the pit of life and it seems there are lions all around waiting to devour you- you are more secure there by the angel of God than a king ruling outside of the pit.
If you feel like you're being crucified by the circumstances of life I say to you with full confidence: you are more secure on the cross than those in the religious mockers not on the cross. Why? Because resurrection life has been issued to come to you. You're on the verge of a miracle!

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