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In order for a goal to be accomplished, two things must be: the proper tool & proper pursuit. Our tool is God's Word which is living & active. We must be holding forth the word of life (Philippians 2:16). Our efforts are not annointed- but God's Word is. He watches over it to perform it. Through His Word we get our true identity. So it is not advisable to be unfamiliar with it. Culture presents a warped view of Christianity. Even religious culture cannot be trusted as a resource.
Provide an atmosphere for God to speak to you. Read books, listen to music connected with the purpose God is dealing with you about. Do not involve yourself with much that dulls the mind. Put yourself in remembrance of what God has spoken to you earlier. Keep visible of what God proclaims over you or you'll begin to wonder and doubt. Then you'll be tempted to devise your own plans. Cast down human reasoning and do not forfeit God's benefits.
Will you pursue His call? Or will it be desires? I believe we automatically seek our own desires if we don't make God's will our chief pursuit.
So don't just have spiritual dreams, walk toward fulfilling them! God has stuff for us to obtain. If we could hear Him saying, "I'm with you, let's go for it!" obeying Him would be a lot better than facing the end and hearing Jesus say,"Oh, what we could've had on earth if you would have believed Me!" Our Father isn't satisfied until His children use His available resources that we have access to by His grace. The price to buy it for you was His Son!
Do not feel strange, young emerger; God's plans will be accomplished. It is as sure as His Word. After all, which is stronger- the things that appear to be a hinderance, or God's enduring purposes? He is, in fact, God, you know. So trust God. To do so you must continually reflect on His trustworthiness. Jesus accomplished what He was sent for in this way. Now you do it.

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