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The Twilight Zone

Welcome to the Twilight Zone...This entry was inspired by an episode about a married man who is discovered cheating on his wife. The sin is too deep for her to forgive. But let me explain the story: Don is a miner instructed to check out an unexplored area of a mine shaft. As he is doing so, the ground suddenly collapses. There is another man named Roger trapped with him. But he is from the early 1900's. The scene suddenly makes the transition to a church. The secretary is insisting with a priest. She speaks of a letter enclosed in an envelope which was written 70 years ago. It is addressed to Don's wife. But how could someone back then know there was a Don's wife? The priest had forgotten to deliver it yesterday, so he gives it to Don's wife today & apologizes. When she opens it, she sees it to be a warning that her husband should not go into the unexplored area of the mine shaft on a certain day- yesterday. Although it was too late, it still described Don's exact location. She takes the letter to the rescue team which is on the scene of the accident. The scene goes back to Don & Roger. As the rescue team breaks through, they mistakenly grab Roger as the mine shaft caves in again. Don is left behind. When Roger is pulled up, it is the year 1912. He tries to tell everybody that there is a man from the future trapped in the mine. Of course, they think he's delirious. So Roger writes a letter & addresses it to be given to Don's wife at the proper day & year. The next scene shows Don rescued & carried to safety, rejoined with his wife. I forgot to mention- the last part of the letter asked that Don be forgiven by his wife. In light of this, they embrace and the story ends happily.
Here is the spiritual application: Roger knew Don had a need & met it by foreknowledge. That is what God does (Romans 8:29). Not only does He know who we are, He knows exactly where we are & how to meet our needs. Listen... Jesus is His letter of forgiveness to us. Through Him we are brought up out of a pit (Jonah 2:6). And His provision comes to us at just the proper time(Galatians4:4-5)! Now if that wasn't enough, God has a plan for us, not just destined, but predestined(Romans 8:29 again)! God doesn't just meet our needs, He does it according to His riches in glory by Christ(Philippians 4:19)! He displays the exceeding greatness of His power to those who believe! WOW!
The sureness of our needs being met is based on the sureness of Him foreknowing us!!! And God has been so good to deliver to us the letter of His Word (which He also preserved a lot longer than 70 years)! Now when one reads the letter & believes it, they become a member of a rescue squad to the perishing. But how will they hear without a letter carrier(Romans 10:14)? A life was affected because Roger sent his letter. But the carrier of the letter had to be faithful. Many lives are affected by God's letter, but His carriers must be faithful to deliver the message.

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