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standard procedure

The gospel of revival will be proclaimed throughout the land. And if so, why not through people like you & me? Some think of themselves as okay in God's eyes simply because they don't steal or murder. But there is a problem. "Okay" is not God's standard. Only perfection is. In old times, the sacrifice to God was to be without blemish or it was unacceptable. Our sacrifice of "I don't steal or kill" is below God's standard of acceptability. Only by relying on Jesus' sacrifice (which is perfect) are we made fully acceptable to God. Then we have access to Him (Romans 5:2 says so). That is, the purpose of God's Law is fulfilled in Jesus- as the means of righteousness for everyone who trusts & relies on Him.
Jesus=perfect conformity to God's will=righteousness to God for you (if you receive what you now read as true).

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