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All my U of T PeEps, put your hands up!!!

(L to R) "Big" Al, Tony, me, Dave, Drew and Megs at the 'Bohemian', the 2nd stop of the Pub Crawl

Do we make you horny?(L to R): Sexy Anty Spice Cat is 'Stayin alive', Afro Al the 'Sugar Daddy', Myself a swingin' sixties chick, Dirty John just doing what he does best (looking sexy-right girls), Marvelous Megs the sexy side kick

(L to R): The Super psychedelic Megs, Special-K using her fembot alluring powers and myself, an international mystery woman with my piece, (which some idiot stole--b@stard if i ever find u, i'll chop your bits and pieces to bits and pieces!!)
Now these fine gentlemen reside at the infamous 82-4, the home of RAW, porn, beer, blue angels and plants. If you didn't know these three are aspiring botanist, they love their plants so much they talk to them every day.

(L to R) Zik, Darvin-Lay and Gentle Steve (To Cool To Dress Up for the Time Warp)

Zik is your friendly intellectual type who gives good hugs and always has wise words.

Darv is the joker of the crew, always fun to hang around with, makes u laugh, weird, hyper and crazy (in a good way) kinda reminds me of myself.

Gentle Stev is a philosophical soul who is also a deep conversationalist with comforting hugs also an amazing cook,which ladies, we know is hard to find these days will u marry me? haha

take one, choose two or take the whole damn bunch!! (F.Y.I. - I am there Madame, I operate under the name of Mademoiselle XXX, look it up in the yellow pages) hahahha

(Cleo the sex Cat also resides here, I hear she gives a wicked blow job-haha "getting a little to comfy for me cleo!! Bitch! did she draw blood?") *Darv* I couldn't leave Cleo out, she completes you guys. I love her because she's cute, but hate her cause I'm allergic and she attacked me

ThE PuB CrAwL (Named after the fact after pub hopping to three fine establishments, you pretty much crawl home)

Me and my personal body guard 'Big Al' a.k.a. Stone Cold. Although Al is quite intimidating in his size and stature, he is a big teddy bear. But he is no softie, this guy can wrestle and gives a mean powerbomb (long live the Castle!!! I was the Queen, did we settle who the king was?Another match Frosh Week 3?)

(L to R): Me (buzzed), Steve (Drunk) and Dec/Big Red (Drunk)

I was not drunk that night, only buzzed. (Everyone: Lise are u Ok? Me: Yes, I'm fine, I'm just happy, very happy!!) I was so happy I couldn't stop smiling, and by the end of the night my cheek muscles were sore, but i was not drunk. I am never DRUNK!!! Thanks Darv for trying to help me find my keys-haha
"Hush little Stevie, don't you cry, Misha's gonna buy u another (Molson) Dry!!"
(L to R): Me, Laura, Steve and Misha @ the Brunny
L to R: Anty and Me, eating part of the 30ft. sub...brought to you by DaySac..yeah dayhoppers!!

Anty and Me @ the all u can drink Champagne event....nice champagne fountains eh? (to the left of Anty)....everyone got pretty trashed....hahah

(L to R): Jeff, Andrew, Tony, Me and Bill ...FrOsH wEeK 2!!: This is the castle...which doubled as the smc wrestling rink was full of 'bouncing balls' (**wink**). In there I recieved many powerbombs, choke slams (because I was the lightest..therefore it was easier to throw me. The most memorable moment: when Hedgy sat on my head after a failed attemped at a suplex...("Hedgy!! I can't breath!!!")


L to R: Big AL,Me, Braveherat a.k.a. Brad, Mark and Marisa...chillin' in the lounge...

Pat-E-Cake and me being mischevious......this was taken at the Pub CrAwL outside of the Peel Pub...Pat is the best...he is a big teddy bear and a good body guard too (remember the private island beach party during frosh week? = P )He has cool hair too!!...he's into dying it funky colours like me....

Pat rockin' on and me in the Goodtimes hat @ The Brunny during frosh was really really hot in hot that....ask me and i'll tell u...really gross
OtHeR U of T Buds

Harv Dawg Dee-lite, a partner in crime in pysch, and the first day of frosh week. My B-girl of (what did we call it again?) go to the gym, pump it up then get my bro to teach us how to bust a move! greek town girl!! Astoria's Marv/Darv/Harv don't tell anyone my middle name!!!!!!!!!!

Hey jean machine girl! This chick although she looks so innocent and sweet in this pic, is not, she is a bad ass. Her sarcasm made me survive eng 100 with our prof. mr. brady, brady boy jr., Silent (breaker high) Sam and crack head Adam. But breaks were fun, the after class smoke to talk about life. "Give me peace, love and a hard cock" haha

Hey everyone, this is Ryan a.k.a. Frat boy. This is the kind soul who helped me make this page, he is also the one responsible for those porn links in the eyecandy section. Thanks a bazillion Ry!!!!!!! (doesm't this pic have a Blair Witch feeling to it?
BaCk 2:

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