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This section is dedicated to all my other friends, outside of school and work.

ok...this is my buddy Andrew a.k.a. c5 sTuD...he's one of my bitches....but he's "STILL HARDCORE!!". He is a good listener and always cracks me up...he also has a tendency to say scary things about his boyhood experiences, and his female family members (present and future) hahah/div>
Andrew and some girl i don't know

This is Kent a.k.a. ENDO and Jen a.k.a. Angel...they are two very sweet people...and a very cute couple....

Here is Terri....the one, the only, CRAZED...she is my phone sex partner.hahah..and boy does she light my fire!!!! hahaHey baby...I missed ur luvin....Stay Tru!!..that mean's Canadian EH!! IT's all About u baby...just for u!! never 4get it!!

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< (L to R) Marky and Johnny
Here's some old pics I dug up, I don't think u'v ever seen


And now for my two buds, Andrew and Peter, who are from Boston and Indiana (or Indianapolis or something) This was take like at 3 in the morning after watching Wedding Singer. As u can see they are both emotionally drained from all that drama!! = }


< DoUbLe TrOubLe x 2 (L to R) Tatter twins and 8 8 twins . Kat, Me, Lina, and Pat


"I said who's that Spartan doin' some tai-chi? It's me! It's me!
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