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My name is Shawna
Just like many of you I am a Mom, Wife,and most of all a Maid!!
I have two beautiful kids who at this point are asleep. The best part of the day..LOL
I am married (happily for the last four years)


Thank you for stopping by to say hello. Im going to be building a page dedicate to all those working women and housewives out there. If you have any stories, recipies, or just ideas on spoiling ourselves e-mail me and I will post it. Lets build a support group for women together. We all have those days where nothing is going quite right. We deserve a break from the kids pulling on our apron string and the unending laundry thats always pilling up. No sick leave well grab a book and escape to the bathtub.

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A Little about me!

I have two children. They are both under three and very curious. My husband is in school full time and is very buisy, so I do everything around the house. My days are very buisy and hectic. My youngest has Spina Bifida. (A neurological defect of the spine.) He has many appointments, and physical therapy weekly.

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I am usually stuck in the house since we only have one car, but I make the best of it. By the end of the day I need a break though. I usually take a nice long bath or do some Tae-bo. If you havent tried Tae-bo its a great way to keep in shape. Check it out!!

I will shortly be adding some easy recipe ideas, so if you have an easy recipe send it to me!

Here are some great recipies my family loves!

Here are some great links for everyone, parenting links, and pictures of my kids! check it out!

This site has links to several usefull and helpful promo sites and more Home business links

I have found the link above very useful, go there and sign up for the affiliate program. Earn extra income or just get a credit card. Its easy fun and will earn you extra cash.

Now I want your stories!

I would love to hear from you!

Once again this page is being built for you so please send me your input.

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