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Love is a vibration. It is a dynamic, living force, spiritual, all-powerful, eternal.

Love is the law of transmutation. Love contains the full power of healing and renewing. Love can so exalt and transform every adverse condition and the individual expressing it that they take on immortality. Every individual who perfect the symphony of love will be lifted into a vibration of triumphant loveliness and beauty.

Love must be exercised as one would practice in order to become a great musician. He must open his heart to permit love to flow out as he sends it forth to enfold the world.

Within the power of love is contained all the joy and all the happiness and all the perfection.

The above is an excerpt from the book Ye Are Gods by Annalee Skarin.
You can BUY this book HERE by clicking on the book title below:

Books by Annalee Skarin

Ye Are Gods
YE ARE GODS shows that man himself creates every condition on earth, that the eternal source of power is released within man!  It proves the truth of the great scriptures that "All that the Father has is yours."

To God the Glory
In the words and teachings of Jesus, TO GOD THE GLORY is a divinely inspired message revealing how His great love is being poured out in abundance and can, if man will accept it, change his life and lead him into His Kingdom.

Temple of God
Anything conceived by human thought can be brought forth into actuality.  This creative power is waiting at all times to be made manifest within man, transforming him from a limited mortal into a divine being.

Secrets of Eternity
Love so much that whatever He sends will be as a very rare and precious gift.  Love and adore, praise and give thanks and the windows of heaven will be opened unto you and you will not have room enough to receive the blessings.

Celestial Song of Creation
"Oh man of a million mystic, unfathomed, subtle and unused powers which have lain dormant within, leave your mortal thinking habits and negatious restrictions and step forth into the full measure of your creation."

Man Triumphant
Learn to "be still - and know God".  'Be Still" and become acquainted with His great, dynamic power of creation and the method of using it - for this is the "Kingdom of Heaven, that is within."

Beyond Mortal Boundaries
Death is a dreary, back-door entrance into the other world.  It is the servant's entrance.  But there is a great front door of glory for those who overcome.

The Book of Books
This work contains the truths which Christ so earnestly wished to share with his apostles on that last night at the Feast of the Passover.

for more information, books, and excerpts
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