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Hiya, This is StarJulz's CrAzY SITE!!!!

01/02/01: I'm BACK! Anywayz I'm creating a new site so bare with me. It's going to be everything from Pokemon to a Dayily Diary to Music, well everything really :) Anywayz how was your day? Mine was... ok :) Seeya, Julz! 29/10/00!: HIYA ALL YOU PEEPS! I've been away for ages so here's a scoop of whats to come to my site! 1. A Pokemon Pics Archive 2. A Pokemon fanfics Page (send them to 3. A HUGE makeover of this site 4. Rebelnet 5. A Competetion - ANIME DRAWING 6. Send in a descripition of yourself, a new page 'Star of the Week' makes your personatily shown to the world :) 7. Gold + Silver Walkthrough (gameboy) So I have heaps to do, I'll catcha later (don't forget to visit at least once a week for a HUGE update :) StarJulz. visits to this site!!!!
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Little and Big Sites and Pages of mine

Staryu's Hideout
My Cat Site
Misty's Pokemon Site
My Chupa Chup Site

Chatroom, clubs and Yahoo! stuff

My Private Chat chain
My pretty cool chatroom (best I've found)
My Yahoo Profile
My Yahoo 'MistyManiac's Pokemon Castle' Club
Do u.... uh.... Yahoo????

Heaps of Other Stuff

Get the Staryu's Star Award for your site!
An internet quiz by StarJulz
Caddie the Stress Reliever
Caddie the Internet Pet
The Caddie Quiz
What would you give my site out of 10?
The Bond Game (Weird!)
Really cool links
A mini-movie about Misty! (She's sooo cool!)
Vote for your fav Misty Moment!
Kid Critics! Tell us about the lastest shows! (including my personal review of the Pokemon Movie)
Hiya! Sorry guys!
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