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ºòWeLcOmE tO mY *~PrInCe$$~* wOrLdòº

Hey, Welcome to my AwEsOmE little PrInCe$$ spot on the Web. My name is Meagan . My friends call me Meg, Megz, and my really close friends call me Meggie. I'm 21 years old . I graduated from Fundy High in June, 2002 and now I'm in my 4th (last) year at St. Thomas University taking Criminology and Sociology. My birthday is January 5th. I'm 5' (don't laugh even the smallest are rugged!), I have dark green eyes and light brown hair. But you can see that in one of the many pictures on here :)I like hanging out with my friends and partying, going to the bars and all of that fun stuff. Theres tons of people who are the bestest friends in the world and most of their pics are on here somewhere. If there isn't a pic of you on here and you want one.. send it to me.. i'll see what i can do :)

I Hate the way you talk to me

And the way you cut your hair

I hate the way you drive my car

I hate it when you stare

I hate your big dumb combat boots

And the way you read my mind

I hate you so much it makes me sick

It even makes me rhyme

I hate the way you're always right

I hate it when you lie

I hate it when you make me laugh

Even worse when you make me cry

I hate it when you aren't around

And the fact you didn't call

But mostly, I hate the way I don't hate

You, not even close, not even a little bit

Not any at all.

Color: Purple and Pink

Number: 16

Author: V.C. Andrews,

Book: Heaven and Flowers In The Attic (V.C.Andrews),

Magazine: Cosmo

Movie: Anything with Vin Diesel

Tons of Memories.... wouldn't trade them!

Well what can you say? As time changes so do friends.

We've definatly had a lot of memories too :) Like i said to Mel's... wouldn't trade them!

Well what can I say... nearly four years and we are still an amazing couple. We have had so many good times so far and I know there will be many many more! I love you!

Melany: Yay! I'm glad we're living together! You're a good friend.. Thanks for everything!

Todd: Heres' to all the sober drives, the friendships on birthdays and many trips to Dooleys and the Tavern, thanks for all the chats.

Shannon: Well, what can I say? You're the best little sister in the world. Keep up the good work at school.. soon it'll all be done and you'll have to deal with paying bills in the real world *ick*

Shannon W: What would I do without my little bar buddy? We've definantly had a few drunken adventures haha.. I'm sure there will be many many more to come!

Amanda L: Don't trust the bathroom doors in Walmart! They don't like to lock! We've had a million memories and more to come. I'm so glad you are dating Chris and hanging out with us and our crazy group now!

Stuffed Animal: My teddybear, Bear,

Food: mm... chicken

Actor: Vin Diesel

T.V Show: Days Of Our Lives, Passions, Desperate Housewives

Flower: Calalilles and Daisies

Animal: Dolphins and Giraffes

That's all for now. DON"T FORGET TO SIGN THE DAMN GUESTBOOK!! It took me forever to get it on there and I didn't put it on there for decoration so all of these people that come on here and don't sign it, sign the damn thing! *cute smile* Thank You. Here's some links ....

My Pictures
My second pic page
My third picture page
My 4th pic page
My 5th pic page
My 6th pic page
My 7th pic page
My 8th pic page
Mel's Homepage
V.C. Andrews Page
Vin Diesel page
Ben Affleck's Page
Alamak Chat
Hotmail Email

view my guestbook | sign my guestbook
