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Title: I Had No Idea That I Loved You (01)
Author name: Carrie              
Author email:
Pairings: D/G
Rating: PG to PG-13 (will be higher later on)
Spoilers: All five books
Summary: How long does it take to realize you’re in love with someone who is suppose to be your greatest enemy?
 DISCLAIMER: HP and related belong to JKR, the rest is mine.
Author notes: This is in response to a challenge posted here about "Draco and Ginny had fallen in love shortly before the war ended. Severus had asked Ginny to become Draco's Secret Keeper, and during the four months she kept him hid, they fell in love." From Bella’s fic as posted by coincidence_casualty. This is my first venture into HP fan fic, and hope you all like it. Please, do not post this anywhere else without my permission. The guys at Magical Theory can archive this if they so wish. Enjoy!




I Had No Idea That I Loved You.

By: Carrie “Lady Reeana” Key



Chapter One



The war should have been over two years ago, during Harry Potter’s seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What was to have been the final battle took place on the Quidditch Pitch, with several causalities and many more injured. Things do not always happen as we think they should. No one could have planned for the death of Lucius Malfoy, though a happy occasion for many that should have been. Once his body hit the earth, Harry Potter went for You-Know-Who straight away. He didn’t make it. Oh, he lived all right, but there was the son whom all thought was of no consequence in the grand scheme of things. The son who all thought of as a spoilt brat that depended on father for everything. The young dragon proved otherwise. The moment the elder Malfoy’s body lay on the ground, Draco Malfoy struck, saving Lord Voldemort from the final death.  He cast a spell with a young witch no one there recognized, for she did not go to their school. The spell they cast sent a powerful blast right at Harry, his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, plus those that surrounded them. It was not so powerful that it killed them all, unless their wounds were significant, but it did a fare amount of damage to them, keeping them from stopping the withdrawal of Voldemort and his followers.


All told, the damage was significant to the Quidditch Pitch, more than eighty percent of it was destroyed in the onslaught that took place there. The school itself did not suffer near as much facial damage. No, it was the loss of students that hit it the hardest. The Seventh Years that were to have left that year, their numbers were down to almost half, the same echoing throughout most of the other years, with the exception of the first three years, who had been sequestered by several professors and Aurors for protection. Parents were outraged, the Ministry of Magic at a loss- confusion reigned, just as Voldemort had suspected it would. He had put a great dent into the armor that Albus Dumbledore had installed around his school and hierarchy that had kept him at bay for so long.


Parents did not want their children to return to the school, but Professor Dumbledore refused to give up. He, along with his diligent staff worked fiercely at preparing the school and assuaging parental fear for their children. He hired several new teachers, each one known widely for their abilities to fight against the Dark Arts, though that was not what they taught. He strengthened and added to the wards protecting the school. He hired Aurors and others who were strong and loyal to him to protect the Hogwarts Express from any possible attack. Dumbledore was no fool. If there could be one attack on the school, he admitted to the parents and students, there could be others. He was taking every precaution he could to ensure their safety, but, he argued, the only sure fired way to guarantee the safety of the children was to have them at school learning about their magic and how to defend themselves and others.


Though the numbers were considerably less at the start of the new school year, there were more than what most people expected there to be. And most surprising was that most believed that Slytherin House would take the largest loss. They had the same amount return to school as the rest of the Houses. The students were welcomed by the teachers, new and old, and were given new rules in which to live by. No one should be out of their dorms after dark, no one should be wondering around anywhere alone, and the like. And, Dumbledore even fenced off the Forbidden Forrest for fear that it could be used again as it had the previous year. Visits to Hogsmede were restricted to fifth year on up and only under the strong supervision of the teachers.


And even with all of these new restrictions or expansions on old ones, the students felt safe and at home here. They learned, they grew and they behaved as children. One of their bright spots that helped to alleviate any fears was the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor that Dumbledore had procured. And for once, it was one that the Potions Master, Professor Snape could get a long with. Her name was Constance Mulgrew and she had gone to Hogwarts, but not long after leaving the school she had moved to Germany and studied the Dark Arts there, her reputation growing larger every year as she vanquished evil after evil. And unlike Lockhart, she had no books that she wrote about her adventures nor did she take every chance to flash a smile to the camera. She knew her stuff and taught the students much in the same way Professors Lupin and Moody had.


During this year many things happened. Some great, and some terrible. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger married and gave the Wizarding world hope in light of the attacks that grew in intensity every month. Cornelius Fudge stepped down, granting Arthur Weasley his position as Minister of Magic. The Dementors that once guarded Azkaban were destroyed by a combined effort of Harry and friends. But the death toll of wizards and witches grew slowly each month. First it had been Diagon Alley. Then a few small wizarding villages around Britain. Then almost one year to the day of the battle on the Quidditch Pitch, Voldemort dealt a deadly blow to Wizard and Muggle alike. He attacked downtown London, during a charity benefit that both worlds liked to participate in, even though the Muggles were clueless as to that fact. It had been blamed on terrorists from all over the world; the blast resembled the explosives the Muggles used so much. It was not terrorists. Not the Muggle kind. It was a few Death Eaters with some powerful magic. Though the death toll would have been greater had not a warning been given to Dumbledore- they proved to late to stop the spell from being cast, but they were in time to shield as many as they could.


From that moment on, things seemed to look good for the ones who wished to stop Voldemort. They received several more tips over the next few months, until they abruptly stopped. No one knew who the source had been or why they were helping, all they knew was that they no longer had that extra set of eyes to keep the Death Eaters from continuing their plans.


And now, two years after her graduation from Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley stood on the front steps, looking up at her alma mater. It was a strange feeling to be here again, and not have to worry about being late to a class or finishing assignments on time. The school year had started a week before, more students attending this year than had in her Seventh year here. Classes were in session, as it was after lunch and all was calm as she moved herself into the Entrance Hall. There to greet her was Professors Dumbledore and Snape. Dumbledore welcomed her with open arms and ushered her up to his office, with Snape following close behind.


Once in the office, Ginny could see Dumbledore lower his happy façade and a look of worry came in its place. “Professor, I came as soon as I could.”


“Yes, thank you Miss Weasley. You’ve always been so prompt, which I am thankful for. Tea?” He offered as he sat and bade his two guests to do the same.


“No thank you, Professor.” Ginny shook her head.




“No thank you, Headmaster.” Ginny turned to look at her former teacher and fellow member of the Order of the Phoenix, in shock. His face was stone and cold, as was normal for him. But, his voice, the voice that frightened many students during his tenure there, it was not the same. He sounded frightened himself and worried.


“Very well, you may begin then Severus.” Albus nodded towards him.


“Miss Weasley, Ginny,” he began. “You have been working this past year with orphans, correct?” Snape obviously looked uncomfortable about talking with her.


Just what was the problem, Ginny hoped to find out. “Yes I have been. Some who have lost family during the attacks or foundlings. Why?”


“Have you worked with infants?”


“Yes, several. Boys and girls.” She was growing more confused. The message she received from Dumbledore had told her this was sensitive Order business. What did her job taking care of Orphans have to do with that?


“I need to ask a huge favor then. It is something that is very important to myself, but also to Professor Mulgrew and several others. I will understand if you do not wish to take part in this, but if you decline, we will have to place a memory charm on you, so as to protect those involved.” If Ginny wasn’t seeing things, then she didn’t just see Snape tear up.


“If I agree or not, it depends on what I’m do to.”


“I need you to become a Secret Keeper for a former student and his young daughter. They are on the run from You-Know-Who and have been for several months. He cannot run anymore and we feel that the Fidelius Charm would be best for them both.” Snape went onto to explain the complexities of the powerful charm, as Ginny listened on. In the back of her mind she wondered at just who this former student was. She hadn’t heard of anyone from around her classes having a child or was running from anybody. “So you see why secrecy is of the utmost importance. Just as it worked at Grimwauld Place, we hope it will work for them.”


“So, who is it?” She asked.


Snape looked nervously over at Dumbledore, who merely indicated with his finger that he should go ahead and tell her. “It is Draco Malfoy.”


“What?” She gasped. Had she heard him right? The one who was responsible for Voldemort still being around? The one who tormented so many people while he was here in school? The one who she had shared a few secret moments with back in her fifth year. “Why?”


“He has been running ever since Voldemort killed his wife.” Dumbledore took over for Professor Snape. “It was his wife who had supplied us with the information on the upcoming attacks, unknown to her husband of course. Ginny, we do not expect you to do this, but out of all of those we trust, you are the one we believed who be the strongest and least likely to be thought of as the secret keeper. Plus, with your added skills with children, you could help Mr. Malfoy out where the rest of us cannot due to the charm itself.”


“But… what if I am discovered? What if they figure it out?” She rambled on more questions, not sure she fully understood what they were asking her to do.


“Professor Mulgrew has been working on several fail safes to ensure your safety, Miss Weasley. She helped in raising Mr. Malfoy’s wife while in Germany. And she was the one who the tips had been given to. I daresay Connie feels responsible for Ingrid’s death, and wishes to watch over Draco and their child in return for that.” Professor Snape slowly made the words come out. Although he knew the Weasley’s to be honorable people, this was a Malfoy they were talking about. Strike that, two Malfoys. And Malfoys and Weasleys were known to not get a long. But Snape had chosen Ginny for many reasons, one being that he remembered a time when he stumbled in on her and Draco in the empty Potions classroom, being more than just enemies. They had acted as though they were lovers. For some reason, Snape walked out of the door and did not alert either one to knowing what he had witnessed. Something had told him he could use it later on for something important. And well, this was so.


“But, why me? Our families hate each other. If Professor Mulgrew feels so distraught over what happened, why can’t she be the Secret Keeper?” Ginny countered.


“She would be the first one they would suspect. You, Miss Weasley, due to the feelings that run deep between your two families, would be one of the last ones they would suspect.” Dumbledore stood up, walking over to Fawkes and stroked the bird’s feathers. “We have puzzled over who it would be, as it could only be one person and no one else would be allowed to know where Mr. Malfoy was, even Severus and I.”


Professor Snape looked pleadingly at Ginny, something that unnerved her. “Please, this is very important. If there is someway that we can convince Draco to eventually divulge the information we need, then we need him alive to do so. You can see how important this is, can’t you?”


“Of course I can. I just… It’s so much to take in.” She paused, rubbing her hands on her face in hopes to wake up from whatever dream she was in. It didn’t work because when she finished, she was still there with the two teachers. “When do I have to give you my answer?”


“Unfortunately, time is of the essence. I found Draco and Thorra only two weeks ago starving and almost in the clutches of his former friends. It won’t take long for them to figure out where he is and then who knows what they could do. We cannot risk another attack on the school, Miss Weasley. So, the answer is, now.” Snape laid it out for her.


“Great.” She said to herself. “What am I to do while keeping his secret?”


Dumbledore returned to his seat. “You will go on as if nothing were different, only you would be checking in on Draco every now and then, make sure he and his daughter are well. They will not be able to leave the place they will be staying at, and will be dependent on you to get them the things they need. We will set the charm up much the same way we had at Sirius’ house, only you will be the only one who knows its location.”


“And keep a child cooped up? For how long will this have to be?”


“As long it will be needed. It will be tough on you three, but I believe you all will handle it well.”


“With all due respect Professor, what does Malfoy have to say about a Weasley being his Secret Keeper?” Ginny glared at both men.


A drawl came from behind her, startling her, “At least its you and not one of your brothers.”


Ginny stood up and starred at the person that had just come, unheard, into the Headmaster’s office, holding a small child that looked to be under a year old. Draco Malfoy. He had changed. His hair that had been kept immaculate was now long and thrown into a careless ponytail. He had stubble on his chin that he had previously shaved religiously. His robes were by far the most shocking. They looked as though they had been mended several times, in several places, and by someone who did not have the skill to do it properly. “Malfoy.”


“Weasley.” Draco cradled his daughter, Thorra, closely in his arms, who was fast asleep sucking her thumb.


“Will you do this for us, Miss Weasley?” Snape pleaded once again.


“I don’t see that I have much choice, now do I?” She agreed. There was no arguing it, even she couldn’t think of someone better suited for the job. And part of her had to admit, that even with all that he had done, she did miss him.


“Very well, let’s begin the preparations at once.” Dumbledore kept them all in there, with Professor Mulgrew joining them after an hour, to begin going over the spell, the safety precautions and escape routes if need be. 


Ginny watched Draco and Professor Mulgrew carefully as they interacted with one another. It seemed almost as if she were his mother and he her son. If Ginny hadn’t seen the late Narcissa Malfoy years ago at the Quidditch World Cup, she would have confused the professor for his mother. Connie, as she bade Ginny to call her, took Thorra from her father to give him a bit of a break, acting grandmotherly towards the child. She spoke to her in what Ginny guessed was German and fussed and played with her.


It was during the dinner break that Ginny asked to hold the child. At first Draco refused, but with a look of warning from Connie, Draco gave in. Ginny took her carefully, watching the small child, who at her size, you could not tell that she had been born in November of the previous year. Then Ginny reminded herself that she and Draco had been on the run and most likely did not have access to the food and supplies they needed during that time. She was adorable though. She had dark hair that looked almost black, and huge expressive eyes that took in the entire world around her. She was quiet though. That probably came from her father needing her to be quiet while they escaped their chasers. There was not much resemblance between father and daughter; save the pointed nose and eyes so blue they matched the sky.


“She’s beautiful Draco.” Ginny commented, sitting Thorra up on her lap. The child would need a lot of help to catch up to others her age. She could barely sit up by herself and her muscles seemed to be a bit under developed. She already began to think of ways to help Thorra catch up.


“Thank you. She gets most of her looks from her mother.” Draco replied quietly.


“Thank the gods for that, eh?” Connie smiled at him jokingly.


“A question, Headmaster.” Draco ignored Connie, turning his attention to Dumbledore.


“I may have an answer.”


“Are you sure that no one else will be allowed to enter into wherever we decide upon? What about Marcus? And Thorra has family still in Germany…” Draco’s eyes, laced in sadness, fell on Thorra, who was laughing at Ginny’s funny faces.


“I’m afraid, Draco, that they will not be permitted. What you hold and most importantly your daughter are too precious for us to risk anyone discovering where you are. We cannot even make a concession for letters. I am dreadfully sorry.” Ginny saw Draco’s face fall even further.


“I see.” She could also tell he was bottling up a large amount of anger.


Resting a comforting hand on Draco’s shoulder, Connie spoke, “Marcus will be here tomorrow to say his goodbyes, Draco. I wont let him do anything less.”


“Very well.” He conceded.


They discussed plans for a few more hours before finally calling it a night. Draco was the first to leave, as Thorra had once again fallen asleep. Snape followed him and Dumbledore excused himself to go check on something. That left Ginny alone with Constance.


“You have no idea how grateful I am that you are doing this, Ginny. And don’t worry, all will be fine. I’ve worked on a few things that will keep you and your wards safe.” The older woman explained.


“Like what? I don’t imagine there is much that would keep a Death Eater from getting what they want, d’you?”  Ginny didn’t quite believe her.


Connie laughed. “Not much, true.” She smiled at the younger woman, her former pupil. “You know that I spent many years studying runes and the mysteries behind them, right?” Ginny nodded. “Well, I have made one each for you, Draco and Thorra. Little rune necklaces, that wont interfere with the Fidelius Charm. They warn me if you are in danger, but do not tell me your whereabouts. That was a hard thing to do, but if I feel you are in danger, we’ll know the where it is anyway, since it will mean that they have found out what it is that you hold.”


“Well, that makes me feel a little, better I guess.”


“There will also be port keys that I want you to place in various places around where Draco will be staying. He’ll know where they are, but they’ll be out of Thorra’s reach. They will be set to get them out of there and back here in an instant.”


“You really do care for them, don’t you?”


Connie’s smile turned serious. “I was skeptical at first of Ingrid telling her father and I about the match she had chosen in Draco. He was Lucius’ son after all. And you cannot get much worse than a Malfoy. But in time, I saw what Ingrid did and grew to love him as well. He and my son Marcus are great friends, and it was as if a great blow had been struck to him and I once we discovered what had happened to Ingrid. I helped Severus find Draco, and bring him and Thorra here. Ginny, know and understand that Draco, though his blood parents are dead, as is his in-laws, he still has Severus and myself. We will see to it that he is safe and taken care of. We will do so by any means necessary.”


The seriousness in Connie’s voice spoke volumes to Ginny of just how much Draco meant to her. “I see. I guess then I better get things in order then to help you, eh?”


“I guess so.”



Over the next few days Ginny found herself hard at work. She needed to find a place suitable to house Draco and Thorra and to store all the supplies they would be needing, since it would look suspicious for Ginny to constantly go out and buy things needed for a baby when she herself didn’t have one and there currently weren’t any that young at the orphanage. It had been decided that Ginny would stop by at least every other day, since it would be foolish for her to risk living there. Which this seemed to suit Draco just fine. Ginny also spoke to Draco about making arrangements to help Thorra’s development, since she was behind the other children her age with the months spent on the run; which Ginny discovered they’d been on the run since February. Draco seemed keen on the idea, openly admitting that he wished he could have left her with someone capable of taking care of Thorra instead of keeping her with him during those months.


The day before Ginny found the house perfect for Draco and Thorra, she met Connie’s son, Marcus and had a horrible flashback. She had been in Connie’s office going over a few more things when he strolled in. When she looked up at him, her heart just about crashed through her chest. It was Sirius Black standing next to her! But that was impossible! Sirius was dead. Had been since her fourth year.


“Marcus.” Connie greeted him with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.


“Mum.” He kissed her cheek and smiled down at Ginny. It was the same smile that Sirius had, that she remembered he had smiled when she had stayed at his family home that one summer.


“Ginny, are you all right?” Connie asked, knowing the distressed look on the young woman’s face. Connie, when she had been given the position of teacher here, had also been included into the order. With that was the knowledge of most of the happenings over the years before her membership started. She imagined that seeing Marcus was a shock for Ginny, as it had been for Harry when he met him for the first time the year before.


“It’s just, I don’t mean to be rude, but you look like someone I knew once.” Ginny and Sirius never were super close, since she had been just a little girl at the time, but they had a bond. Neither one could come and go as they pleased and were kept from many of the going ons within the Order. They had talked about it several times that summer.


“I’ve been getting that a lot since I’ve been here.” She heard a slight German accent when he spoke.


Connie waved her wand, closing her office door. “Ginny, I don’t think I have to tell you that what is about to be said here, stays here.” Ginny shook her head. “Good. Ginny, I would like to introduce you to my son, Marcus Black Mulgrew. And yes, he is Sirius’ son as well.”


“But… I don’t…” Ginny stammered, looking first at Marcus and then again at Connie. She knew that Connie had been in the same year as Snape, Sirius and the others, but she had been in Slytherin House. Would Sirius have actually had anything to do with her?


Connie smiled, and explained as Marcus sat down, listening to the familiar story, shortened as it was. “Long story short, Ginny, Sirius and I had been very much in love in school and carried it on beyond. We married shortly after Harry’s parents and were happy. It wasn’t until after he’d been sent to Azkaban that I had discovered we were expecting a baby. By then there was so many dark feelings towards anyone who’d had any kind of involvement with Sirius that I had to flee the country. That’s why I moved to Germany and took back my maiden name.”


Ginny glanced over at Marcus. “Did you and he… did you ever meet him?”


Marcus shook his head no. “Mum and I didn’t even find out that he had died until a few years ago. That and Remus Lupin prompted her to return here to Britain.”


“He was a good man.” Ginny felt she had to say something, but nothing seemed to fit right.


“So I’ve been told. That and I know how picky she,” he pointed a finger at his mother, “can get.”


The three spent another hour discussing the plans and Marcus’ involvement. Though he wasn’t to know where Draco was hiding, he was to help keep an eye on Ginny and to make sure nothing out of the ordinary happened to her. Turns out that he had gone to Durmstrang with Ingrid, Draco’s wife, and both had been well versed in the Dark Arts. He also was in training as an assistant to Professor Snape in Potions, so he was going to be staying at Hogwarts.


“Well, its time to break this party up, kids. I have a class soon, and Ginny you still have a house to find. And Marcus, I have a feeling Draco needs you.” Each bid their goodbyes and went separate ways.



The next day was when Ginny found the house. It wasn’t that far from Hogwarts or from Hogsmede. It was however out of the way enough that no one would notice her Apparating in and out when she came to check in on Draco. It was a small cottage, perfect for father and daughter to live in. And from what Dumbledore had told her, the Charm could be extended to cover a bit of the outside surrounding the house, so Thorra could get outside once in a while. Which was fantastic, because there was a neat little garden in the back ideal for a small child; fenced in and loads of things for Thorra to explore. The house didn’t seem to require much maintenance, which Ginny figured perfect for a single father. The current owners had fixed it up nicely before they put it up for sale, so it had a fresh coat of paint in every room and outside as well. The two bedrooms were right next to each other, so if Draco ever got out of the habit of letting Thorra sleep in his bed, she wouldn’t be that far from daddy.


Straight away, Ginny brought Snape and Connie to inspect it. They agreed that it would be perfect as well. And before they left to make arrangements to buy the place, Connie cast a spell on it that would alert her of anyone coming within a ten foot radius of the house and if they were friend or foe. “That way we can be sure that no one else has figured out our little scheme.”


Connie made the arrangements to buy the cottage under a false name (which when dealing with Muggles wasn’t so hard to do), and then begin the preparations to move Draco and Thorra in as well as cast the Charm that would protect them from those that would kill them. It wasn’t easy doing all of this without everyone else taking notice and asking questions, but somehow they all pulled it off. No one, outside of Dumbledore, Snape, Connie, Marcus and Ginny knew that Draco and his daughter were at Hogwarts. No one even suspected it, or at least showed that they did. Which worked just wonderfully for those involved.


The night before the Charm was to be preformed, Ginny went to visit Draco and Thorra to make sure everything was set on their end. She found them in Connie’s rooms with Draco telling Thorra a story in German. She seemed enraptured by her father’s voice and paid Ginny no attention when she walked in. Draco had Thorra sitting on his lap, looking up at him with large eyes and smiles. It looked cute to Ginny, a word she hadn’t associated with Draco in ages.


She still couldn’t believe she was going through with this. She had to force herself to forget the thoughts and memories of seeing him and Ingrid cast that spell that saved Voldemort’s life and then of the atrocities she’d heard Harry speak of that bore Malfoy’s mark. He was responsible, though most of the wizarding world did not know it, for several deaths and accidents that had happened in the years since his father’s death. Harry and Ron would rant and rave for hours on end, especially about the one time they had come so close to capturing Draco. And since they had no idea where Draco lived at since his mother had died at Malfoy Manor, they couldn’t ever find him. And now they wouldn’t be able to find him for a long time. Was Connie right in saying that ever since Ingrid’s death that Draco slowly began to change? That he was seeing things finally from another person’s perspective and able to form opinions on his own that he’d never really been given the chance to. Oh, he was still the insufferable prat he was in school, even to her, but she could see some differences in him, and not just the ones on the outside. Oh no. There were marks on him that she saw not as visible ones, but ones that marred his soul.


“Like what you see, Weasley?” Draco’s voice broke into her thoughts.


“Huh?” She hadn’t even realized he noticed her walk in.


He chuckled at her. “What do you want?”


She straightened herself up as she walked further into the room, taking notice of the subtle greens, reds and browns that decorated it. “Well, for an undetermined amount of time we’re going to basically be stuck with each other and I just wanted to make sure we had everything straight.”


“I see.” He picked Thorra up and placed her on the floor, watching her crawl about. “You know, she’s almost a year and can’t even stand up on her own.”


“Some babies don’t start doing that until they hit the year mark. She may be a late bloomer.”


“You said she was behind in some things.” He glared at her.


Ginny shook his glare off, knowing it was a show he put on. “She is. She isn’t as strong as other kids her age. Just look at her, she is struggling even with the crawling. And you said that it wasn’t until you guys got here that you even noticed her holding her head up on her own.”


“Kind of difficult to care for a child while running for your life, you know.” He wanted to argue with her, but found he couldn’t. Not a real argument either.


“I know.”


They stood in silence as they watched Thorra play with a few toys that Connie had given her. Then Draco blurted out, “Why are you doing this, Weasley? Why are you helping us out? I figured you’d be one of the last ones to want to help me out.”


“Truth, Malfoy?”


“Yes, the truth.”


“Fine.” Ginny went to sit on the couch he and Thorra had been on, patting the cushion next to her. Draco sat down, continuing to watch his daughter. “Mainly it’s for Thorra. She’s an innocent in all of this and doesn’t deserve to live like this. She shouldn’t have to fear for her life at this age, nor should she be without her mother.”


“My daughter doesn’t need your pity.”


“It’s not pity I feel for her Draco. She’s a child. I don’t pity a child who never asked for what they get in life. She’s had no control over this.” Ginny waited a second before continuing on. “I’m also doing this for you.”


“For me?” He turned his gaze form Thorra to Ginny. “What do you mean?”


“I doubt you’ll understand, but I remember fondly the time we spent together in my fifth year. I got a glimpse of a boy who didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life since his father was no longer a major influence. I saw you as a lost and confused soul who needed a shoulder to cry on. And it still confuses me why you chose me.”


“Hey, it boggles my mind as well.” He shot at her.


“I bet it does. And I guess another reason I am doing this is for an old friend. He never had the chance to prove his worth to the world and now his family cannot even openly admit to being related to him because of that.” Ginny spoke of course about Sirius. She saw him feel like a caged animal that couldn’t go out and do anything to clear his name without endangering himself and those he loved. Ginny saw in Draco the chance to finally put a stop to Voldemort and his followers, even if it was for revenge. Yes, she was actually buying the stuff Connie was telling her.


“Marcus’ father, right?” Draco shocked her.


“Yeah. Sirius. I’m a bit surprised they’d share that with you.”


“They did after we got here to Hogwarts. I guess it is Connie’s way of trying to convince me that blabbing all the secrets I know would be the right thing to do.” He didn’t sound so sure of himself.


“It is the right thing, Draco.”


“So long as I don’t spill anything to you people, Thorra and I will be safe. It’s bad enough they are after us because of what Ing did, I don’t want to have to give them more reasons to come after us.” Draco choked up a bit at the thought of his deceased wife.


She stood up, returning the glare he’d given to her earlier. “How can you say that, Draco? By telling Dumbledore all that you know it will help bring those that killed your wife and took Thorra’s mother away from her to justice. It would help ease the punishment on you for all that you did. Don’t you see that what Connie is telling you is the right thing?”


He rolled his eyes at her. “Keep saying it over and over Gin, and you just might believe it.” She starred at him. “What?”


“You called me Gin. You haven’t called me that since out last night together.”


“I think you should leave, Weasley. It’s time for me to get Thorra ready for dinner. We’ll see you first thing in the morning.”


Draco practically pushed her out the door, closing it tightly behind her.



Later that night, Ginny found herself in her flat in London, just down the road from the orphanage she helped at, pondering what had been said between her and Draco. She was right. Their last night together in fifth year was the last time he referred to her as anything but Weasley. She thought back to that year. The three months of his pestering and then the kiss they had shared in a dark corridor with no one looking. For the next month he would find an excuse to drag her secretly to somewhere to just kiss her. Then it grew into something more than just kissing. They never had spoken about what was going on between them. They weren’t dating, and you couldn’t really call them friends. Lovers didn’t fit, since they had to be in love with each other. Bed buddies? No that didn’t work either. They’d never used a bed when things turned really physical. At the end of that school year no promises passed through them about the summer or the next year. And Ginny had been looking forward to the next school year to spend some more time with Malfoy. But that came to a crashing end quickly. He’d ignored her and rumors were going around that he had hit the perfect match with some Duke’s daughter. She now knew that daughter to be Ingrid.


Ginny sighed, curling up on her couch, watching the fire in her fireplace crackle and pop. She had a cashmere throw on her legs, and her favorite sweats on. Ingrid. Ginny had never met her, but for some reason, a twinge of jealously came up at the thought of the woman that Draco had turned her down for. Well he couldn’t really turn her down since they’d never spoken about it. Oh, this whole thing was a mess. Ginny wished she had Hermione to talk to about this. She just wasn’t sure what was going on in her head, and now that she had a moment to herself, the thoughts she’d been ignoring came crashing in. Was it right to feel jealous of a woman who was dead but had been married to the first guy you’d ever slept with and even fancied once upon a time?


She groaned knowing she needed to get to sleep soon. But she also was aware that sleep would be slow coming. Too much excitement in her mind tonight about the next morning and the undetermined amount of time she’d be Draco’s secret keeper. So Ginny Weasley spent the remainder of her night, on her couch, deep in thought, but finding no clues or answers as to what she was doing or feeling.




Take me to the next chapter (02)