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Poems And Hums

Isn’t it funny

How a bear likes honey

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I wonder why he does?                                              

It’s a very funny thought that, if Bears were Bees

They’d build their nests at the bottom of trees

And that being so (if Bees were Bears)

We shouldn’t have to climb up all these stairs.

How sweet to be a Cloud

Floating in the Blue!

Every little cloud

Always sings aloud.

How sweet to be a Cloud

Floating in the Blue!

It makes him very proud

To be a little cloud.                                                                    


    Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,


Tiddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle,

Tiddle-iddle, tiddle-iddle,



    It’s very, very funny,

‘Cos I know I had some honey;

‘Cos it had a label on,

Saying HUNNY.

A goloptious full-up pot too,

And I don’t know where it’s got to,

No, I don’t know where it’s gone-

Well, it’s funny.                                                                          



On Monday, when the sun is hot

I wonder to myself a lot:

“Now is it true, or is it not,

“That what is which and which is what?”

On Tuesday, when it hails and snows

The feeling on me grows and grows

That hardly anybody knows

If those are these or these are those.

On Wednesday, when the sky is blue,

And I have nothing else to do,

I sometimes wonder if it’s true

That who is what and what is who.

On Thursday, when it starts to freeze

And hoar-frost twinkles on the trees,

How very readily one sees

That these are whose- but whose are these?

On Friday-

(sadly, this was never finished, due to an untimely interruption from Kanga)    


    Sing Ho! for the life of a Bear!

Sing Ho! for the life of a Bear!

I don’t much mind if it rains or snows,

‘Cos I’ve got a lot of honey on my nice new nose,

I don’t much care if it snows or thaws,

‘Cos I’ve got a lot of honey on my nice clean paws!

Sing Ho! for the life of a Bear!

Sing Ho! for the life of a Pooh!

And I’ll have a little something in an hour or two!                      


    They all went off to discover the Pole,

Owl and Piglet and Rabbit and all;

It’s a Thing you Discover, as I’ve been tole

By Owl and Piglet and Rabbit and all.

Eeyore, Christopher Robin and Pooh

And Rabbit’s relations all went too-

And where the Pole was none of them knew....

Sing Hey! for Owl and Rabbit and all!                                        



3 Cheers for Pooh!

(For Who?)

For Pooh-

(Why what did he do?)

I thought you knew;

He saved his friend from a wetting!

3 Cheers for Bear!

(For where?)

For Bear-

He couldn’t swim,

But he rescued him!

(He rescued who?)

Oh, listen, do!

I am talking of Pooh-

(Of who?)

Of Pooh!

(I’m sorry I keep forgetting.)

Well, Pooh was a Bear of Enormous Brain

(Just say it again!)

Of enormous brain-

(Of enormous what?)

Well, he ate a lot,

And I don’t know if he could swim or not,

But he managed to float

On a sort of boat

(On a sort of what?)

Well, a sort of pot-

So now let’s give him three hearty cheers

(So now let’s give him three hearty whiches?)

And hope he’ll be with us for years and years,

And grow in health and wisdom and riches!

3 Cheers for Pooh!

(For who?)

For Pooh-

3 Cheers for Bear!

(For where?)

For Bear-

3 Cheers for the wonderful Winnie-the-Pooh!

(Just tell me, somebody- WHAT DID HE DO?)                          


    The more it snows

(Tiddely pom),

The more it goes

(Tiddely pom),

The more it goes

(Tiddely pom),

On snowing.

And nobody knows

(Tiddely pom),

How cold my toes

(Tiddely pom),

How cold my toes

(Tiddely pom),

Are growing.                                                                              


    I could spend a happy morning

Seeing Roo,

I could spend a happy morning

Being Pooh.

For it doesn’t seem to matter

If i don’t get any fatter

(And I don’t get any fatter),

What I do.

Oh, I like his way of talking,

Yes, I do.

It’s the nicest way of talknig

Just for two.

And a Help-yourself with Rabbit

Though it may become a habit,

Is a pleasant sort of habit

For a Pooh.

I could spend a happy morning

Seeing Piglet.

And I couldn’t spend a happy morning

Not seeing Piglet.

And it doesn’t seem to matter

If I don’t see Owl and Eeyore

(or any of the others),

And I’m not going to see Owl or Eeyore

(or any of the others)

Or Christopher Robin.                                                                



Oh, the butterflies are flying,

Now the winter days are dying.

And the primroses are trying

To be seen.

And the turtle-doves are cooing,

And the woods are up and doing,

For the violets are blue-ing

In the green.

Oh, the honey-bees are gumming

On their little wings, and humming

That the summer, which is coming

Will be fun.

And the cows are almost cooing,

And the turtle doves are mooing,

Which is why a Pooh is poohing

In the sun.

For the spring is really springing;

You can see a skylark singing,

And the blue-bells, which are ringing,

Can be heard.

And the cuckoo isn’t cooing,

But he’s cucking and he’s ooing,

And a Pooh is simply poohing

Like a bird.                                                                                


    Here is a myst’ry

About a little fir-tree.

Owl says it’s his tree,

And Kanga says it’s her tree.                                                    


    If Rabbit

Was bigger

And fatter

And stronger,

Or bigger

Than Tigger,

If Tigger was smaller,

Then Tigger’s bad habit

Of bouncing at Rabbit

Would matter

No longer,

If Rabbit

Was taller.                                                                                


    This warm and sunny Spot

Belongs to Pooh

And here he wonders what

He’s going to do.

Oh, bother, I forget-

It’s Piglet’s too.                                                                          


    I lay on my chest

And I thought it best

To pretend I was having an evening rest;

I lay on my tum

And I tried to hum

But nothing particular seemed to come.

My face was flat

On the floor, and that

Is all very well for an acrobat;

But it doesn’t seem fair

To a Friendly Bear

To stiffen him out with a basket-chair.

And a sort of sqoze

Which grows and grows

Is not too nice for his poor old nose,

And a sort of squch

Is much too much

For his neck and his mouth

and his ears and such.                                                              


    Here lies a tree which Owl (a bird)

Was fond of when it stood on end,

And Owl was talking to a friend

Called Me (in case you hadn’t heard)

When something Oo occurred.

For lo! the wind was blusterous

And flattened out his favourite tree;

And things looks bad for him and we-

Looked bad, I mean, for he and us-

I’ve never known them wuss.

Then Piglet (PIGLET) thought a thing:

“Courage!” he said. “There’s always hope.

I want a thinnish piece of rope.

Or, if there isn’t any bring

A thickish piece of string.”

So to the letter-box he rose,

While Pooh and Owl said “Oh!”

and “Hum!”

And where the letters always come

(Called “LETTERS ONLY”) Piglet sqoze

His head and then his toes.

O gallant Piglet (PIGLET)! Ho!

Did Piglet tremble? Did he blinch?

No, No, he struggled inch by inch

Through LETTERS ONLY, as I know

Because I saw him go.

He ran and ran, and then he stood

And shouted, “Help for Owl, a bird

And Pooh, a bear!” until he heard

The others coming through the wood

As quickly as they could.

“Help-help and Rescue!” Piglet cried

And showed the others where to go.

Sing ho! for Piglet (PIGLET) ho

And soon the door was opened wide

And we were both outside!

Sing ho! for Piglet, ho!



    POEM written by Eeyore in a Quiet Moment

Christopher Robin is going.

At least I think he is.


Nobody knows.

But he is going-

I mean he goes

(To rhyme with “knows”)

Do we care?

( To rhyme with “where”)

We do

very much.

(I haven’t got a rhyme for that

“is” in the second line yet.


(Now I haven’t got a rhyme for

bother. Bother.)

Those two bothers will have

to rhyme with each other


The fact is this is more difficult

than I thought

I ought-

(Very good indeed)

I ought

To begin again,

But it is easier

To stop.

Christopher Robin, good-bye




And all your friends


I mean all your friend


(Very akward this, it keeps

going wrong)

Well, anyhow, we send

Our love.



    "But it isn't Easy," said Pooh to himself... "Because Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you.  And all you can do is go where they can find you."                                                                                                 ~The House at Pooh Corner