Winnie's World

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Winnie's World

Ok, I have desrted this site for so long, and I won't be doin anything with it anymore! I ahve made a new page. Pooh Bear's Lullaby why don't you take a look at that one, it will definitley be updated regularly, and I did just give it a new face lift! This site will stay here still!

Hello! My name is Sandra
and I live in Australia!!
I love Pooh and have a huge
collection of items,
books, pictures and stickers.
I really hope you enjoy
this web page. TTFN!!

This is a toddler safe site!
Ok, Guys, listen Up!! Theres hundreds of people viewing my page everyday, so I thought
this would be the best way to get what I'm lookin for. If anyone,
anyone at all, knows a page, where i can download the
Police Quest games, then please e mail me now.
I've looked everywhere on the net and I just can't find em.
thanx guys, your the best

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BIGGEST Teddy Bear Directory

Visit My SPirit Page!!!

Pleaze, pleaze, pleaze Vote Now!!
If you've voted before, make sure
you vote again!! Thanx Loves!!

This candle burns for all the
victims of the Columbine High School
tragedy in Littleton, Colorado, and for
all other victims of school violence.
Please visit the Littleton Memorial Site

Story Book and a Special Calendar!!!!!

Awards Pooh Has Won!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I know there isn't a lot yet, but don't forget, this site is
still getting better and anyway, I am
applying for awards by the 100s so be patient. Hehehehehehehehehe!!!!!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. You were the
Site Fights Spirit Counter
person to visit my page! Please come back and visit again!

If you wanna link to my page, then copy and paste the link below!

a href=""><img src="" border=0></a>
IMPORTANT: please put one of these < in the front of my banner link. Otherwise it wont work

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Disclaimer The pictures, characters, and their names are the
Copyright © of Disney , A.A. Milne and E.H. Shepard.
The sole purpose of this page is for the enjoyment of
other Winnie the Pooh fans and not any personal or
professional gain by the author. Any Copyrighted material
will be removed immediately if asked to do so.