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Hi everybody and thanks for visiting my page! I'm sorta what you call an anime freak so I thought it'd be kinda cool if I created my own little japanimation series. Actually, I'm not sure if these kinds of drawings would be categorized as anime. I tried to make the eyes look like they sparkle and stuff but some of them didn't turn out right. I hope to one day turn this into a little cartoon or something. Yes, I know that all these people's costumes look almost exactly alike, but oh well. If I have some time later, I'll design some better costumes. And yes,I know that some of the pictures look kinda tacky (esp. the blue background that I didn't cut out), but all these were hand-drawn and it's kinda difficult to cut all the blue background out without messing up the pictures. There's not much on this site yet, but as I get more pictures drawn and more "episodes" written, then I'll be sure to update you with all the new stuff. As for now, have a look around and enjoy the site. If you guys have any suggestions about how I can improve my site or any ideas for the Warriors, then go ahead and e-mail me. (by the way, some of the pictures might take a while to download...sorry, just bear with me for a while)

Hey, you can use this to figure out the time in another part of the world. Superneato, huh?! heehee.

World Time Zone
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