Dark highways are the lonliest places on earth

Dark highways are the lonelies place on earth, xander thought.Anya gave a small moan, and Xander looked over at her. She was curled on her side, her head pressed against the window, her only pillow her small jacket. There was little light, but the little light there was illuminated her face well, and Xander decided that she was beautiful while she slept. Her moan was small, like that of a small animal. He smiled and stroked her hair absently. She quieted and smiled, as if whatever had been bothering her in her dream went away as he stroked her hair. He looked back out at the dark highway. He decided that nightime was the loneliest part of the day, especially on some dark highway. No other cars passed, except for the occasional car. He sighed and looked out the window at the featurless fields around him. The only real visible attraction was the moon. It was big and full. Thet reminded him of Oz, who must have been in his cage in the library right at that particular! moment. The thought of Oz brought in the thought of Willow. Her red hair, and her sweet kiss......he remembered the night in the factory where Spike had the two of them kidnapped and he had kissed her....he heard Anya moan softly again. He stroked her hair again, calming her, but it jerked him from his thoughts. He was reminded of that night at the high school where she had asked him to come with her beacause she was afraid to lose him. No one had ever treated him like that. He smiled over at the sleeping ex-demon and reached over to touch her. He stopped a few inches from her, not wanting to wake her. He then put both hands on the wheel and looked around. He envisioned being chased by wolves for some reason. He could hear them coming at him, chasing after him....he then noticed the gnawing hunger inside of him. He listened to the silence, and found out he was lonely. Part of him wanted to wake up Anya just for someone to talk to. He was sure she would listen to ! him about his problems, and his feelings about Will.....but that would be extremely unfair to her. He just sat and listened to the silence and stared out into the night, wondering when he was going to get a chance to eat. He then made the final statement to himself. Dark highways are the lonliest places on earth
