
Club Eden had been burned to the ground. There was nothing but ashes. Then, a single hand burst from the wreckage. A man, his face half burned, his body shrivled and weak, stumbled out and into the street. "I am the lord, and I have risen again......"


Xander drove for hours, and soon found a highway. He headed back towards California. He found Paradise was in Nevada. He tried not to think of Paradise, or what he saw there. That was in the past. Now the thing was to get home. He looked back to check on Anya. There was something wrong. He saw her belly had gotten larger, as if she was pregnant. "Good god." Xander said. He sped more along the highway. He had to get home.


Lou Cypher watched Xanders' car speed by. He smiled. "Hmmmmm. See you soon,Xander." he said with a laugh. He then began to walk away, whistling.


About four hours later Xander reached Sunnydale. He pulled up to the curb of Giles' house and opened the door. Anya stirred and walked out of the car. Xander grabbed her around the shoulders in an embrace that she quickly broke. "What happened to me?!" She asked, looking down on her stomach.

"I...I don't know. I'm going to have Giles check it out....."

"No!" Anya said, pushing him away "Stay away from me, Harris. I want nothing to do with you! You did this to me!" She turned and ran. Xander heard thunder and looked up. The sky had turned black with storm clouds. The rain started pouring on him. He got back into his car and began to drive away.


A car smashed into the welcome to sunnydale sign. The door opened and Spike walked out, smoking a ciggarette. "Home sweet home." He said, laughing. He then noticed the storm clouds and it started to rain. "Bloody hell. Somethin' weirds' goin on."


Willow was asleep on the couch when a knock on the door woke her. She walked carefully to the door and opened it. There in the rain stood Xander. "You're home!" Willow said, surprised. Then Xander charged at her, locking her in a tight embrace. It didn't matter what happened in Paradise. He was home, and Willow was in his arms.


Cordelia heard a crash in her backyard. She opened her backdoor and walked into the rain, stake raised. She walked slowly towards where her Father kept the trash cans. They were upturned on the ground. She walked over and saw a blonde man lying on the ground. She then looked a little closer. He had wings. "Holy shit." She muttered. She reached down and started helping him to his feet. She half carried, half dragged him to the door and dumped him on her couch. She then sat down beside him. He was cute, but he had wings, and.....he had a large cut down his left side. It was bleeding on her couch. She reached out to touch the wound,when his hand shot out and grabbed her."Hello, my name is David." He said "And he's coming. God help us all, he's here now."


Continued in "Heart of Darkness"