Nates' Fiction

Hiya! I'm Nate Jonsson, creator of The graveyard(, and Writer.

I created this site to showcase some of my work. I am on a Buffy Fanfic list and write stories involving those characters quite often.

People on the list have asked if there was a site where they could view my work. Well, now there is. I'm going to put my slayer fanfic on this site, as well as other work I put together in the past be it Novellas, short stories or scripts.

Universal Disclaimer: If there are stories based on characters that already exsist, such as Buffy:The Vampire Slayer, then I do not own them. Please don't sue me.

And without further adieu--


Why teen films suck

Millenium Babies: This stupid ass contest about babies

Films we don't need

My opinion on shows like "Worlds' funniest"

Slayer Fanfic I've written:

Road Trip.

Queen of the Demons

The Terror

Darkworld: My Buffy mini-series.

Distorted Images

To the ends of the earth

The Fledgling

The Wanderer : My very first epic Buffy tale. Now parts 1-13 are posted.


Angry: A story about a guy who snaps and goes on a rampage