Stare At Moons & Wish Upon Stars

Web site updates are now posted. All you need to do is right here!

"They could be bigger, badder, stronger or even rougher.
But the moment you show them fear, its an automatic invitation that your end is coming near.
Life presents so many challenges on many levels I know...
With no hesitation, forget your reputation and just let yourself go."


Under mad construction! Watch for falling stars! No wish making yet! Wear hard hats!

If you would like to email me, you are more than welcome to for any reason. However, please type "moons&stars" in the subject box. Thank you. Dr. Puck (I have an MD in Puckology)

Book of Rants
Book of Quotes
Book of Song
Book of Confusion (Under construction)
Book of Boys & Men
Book of Jokes
Book of Books
Book of Quizzes
