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"WeLcOmE To GrOuNd XeRo"

:::Be a New Age SoLdIeR, & Protect The Creation:::

Welcome to my Page. Visit each site for information and/or entertainment, and you may find things out that you didn't know before.


:::One night I dreamed I was walking Along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky. In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints. Other times there were one set of footprints. This bothered me because I noticed that During the low periods of my life when I was Suffering from anguish, sorrow, or defeat,I could see only one set of footprints, So I said to the Lord, "You promised me, Lord, that if I followed You, You would walk with me always. But I noticed that during the most trying periods Of my life there have only been One set of prints in the sand. Why, When I have needed You most,You have not been there for me? "The Lord replied,"The times when you have seen only one set of footprints Is when I carried you.":::

Got ideas? Opinions? You know what to do....

Thanks For Coming. Feel free to share your opinion and drop a line...Most importantly be sure to pick up the "Our Lady Peace Live DVD", and in stores Nickelback's Tour DVD and New album, "The Long Road" as of September 23rd, 2003. Two bands that Rock...and both that keep Halifax rockin'! Keep supporting these bands and bands like this by purchasing their albums.

If you have any suggetions or question feel free to contact me via email, or sign up on ICQ and contact me through there. Enjoy:)